Writers Block

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    Everyone gets writers block. Well, that's what her teacher had said to her, after she asked for an extension on a fictional short story. The prompt was uninspiring to say the least. 'If you were a superhero how would your life be different? What powers would you have? Would you have superhero friends? Are you on a team?'

   "It's perfectly fine Artemis, everyone gets writer's block. When you finally get inspired remember, that this isn't due anytime soon." Her teacher explained gleefully. "Since I just gave you an extension on this project." Artemis practically stomped out of the classroom, happy to have an extension but it was a bittersweet victory, because the due date would come all too soon.

   When she approached her poor unsuspecting locker, unlocked it and slammed it open, most people had already gone home for the day. Spring Break was starting today and almost everyone wanted to start their extended weekend. Except for the few that peppered the halls, that either have after school clubs, meetings with teachers or just genuinely don't want to leave the school yet. She stuffed her messenger bag and snatched her helmet out of her locker that immediately got slammed shut.

    "Careful Crock, you might make the poor thing explode!" Linda Park snickered from down the hall. First of all Linda, it wouldn't explode, it would splinter into pieces, just like you will once you get pregnant by that bastard boyfriend of yours. Artemis thought in a hiss, rushing off to the parking lot. 

      As she mounted her motorcycle a buzz erupted from her jacket's inside pocket. She groans and reluctantly unlocks it.

     "What?" Her voice laced with agitation and annoyance.

     "Hey to you too sis." The voice on the other line annoyed her even more. "So, I was wondering-"

     "One, its sister in law. And two, whenever you wonder something Roy, nothing good ever comes out of it. Like, I don't know, knocking my sister up, marrying her, making me meet your idiot friends. The only thing good out of all of that was Lian." 

     "I was wondering if you could watch Lian over your vacation, so maybe my wondering does have something good coming out of it Artemis." She could hear the smirk in his voice, and the rustle in the background notifying her that someone else in the room. Probably Lian. 

     "Sure, not like I have a huge project due or anything." Her glare could and would kill if Roy was there. She hated him sometimes, okay, okay, most times.

    "Great! I'll drop her off at your apartment tomorrow! See ya then Arty!" Before she could screech at him that her name was Artemis, he hung up. So she shoved her phone back in the pocket in resided in and pushed off towards her apartment. 

  That night she tried writing, but couldn't get inspired. Maybe Wally would help.

   By: JinxedPanda4Life

Open ended story.

Sadly I am no Artemis2789, so, sorry for the mediocre writing. I miss her, and her presence. But I have been reading Spitfire fan fiction to get a sort of groove! Maybe updates? Only time will tell.

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