I Miss You

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Dear Artemis, I know you have left. I also know that this site isn't the same without you. I miss you and my presence here is gone frankly. Every now and again I go on our shared account and try to update. But, I can't. Because I know you are such a talented writer compared to me, and the feeling of never being good enough just sits in the pit I call a heart. I know I can never satisfy our shared readers. I miss you and I know you are long gone. I wish you would come back I'm here for you. I know we never formally met and we both think the other don't exist but I miss you. Wish you were here writing alongside me. -Your friend, The_Speeding_Rudolph

Wally missed a girl he didn't even know existed, or exists, considering she might not be dead. He misses a girl he shared an account with on a site, where they wrote about a couple that argued and hissed at one another. But ended up together anyway. And now he is typing on his keyboard, close to tears, telling their shared followers and many more readers, that they probably would never be on this account again. It pained him, only because he enjoyed being friends with this person, who was just going to disappear. He wished things were different, and maybe so did she. But he would never find out. He published the note onto the book and signed out of the account. Sighing, he started to cry freely, the tears staining his bed sheets as they fell from his distorted face. For he knew that she was gone, their account was gone and that his friend was gone.

By JinxedPanda4Life,

Based on true events.

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