The Meanest Member isn't so mean

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"News Flash, KF, I'm not Red Arrow!"

"Well News Flash Artemis, no one likes you!" Well that did it. They had been fighting for a solid hour about how Speed erm Red Arrow should be on the team instead of Artemis. "You know why, because you are cold hearted bitch that no one can be around because the atmosphere changes from something good to something terrible!" That didn't feel right. Artemis was speechless biting on her bottom lip to hold it from quivering, and holding back her own tears. "Megan is only being nice to you because your the only other girl on the team, but no one else gives a damn about you, and your fucking long blonde mess you call hair!" Instead of trying to hide it anymore she ran away to the safety of her room instead of being in the kitchen with the meanest member of the team.

"Wally what was that for?" Megan had stepped into the kitchen in the middle of the fight to make a new cookie recipe.

"What? She needed to be told off!" All Megan did was shake her head in disapproval. Before Wally could fully realize that his teammate (and crush) was crying and hurt really really hurt.

"Wallace Rudolph West!" Zattanna came. "Wally!" Not just regular nonchalant Zatanna but angry very angry Zatanna.

"What do you want." Wally shouldn't have said that or even been in the room.

"Tup Yllaw ni sepor." Well obviously Wally wasn't expecting to be tied up in rope today of all days. Though it did start catching up to him that he really hurt Artemis emotionally.

"Aww, Man! I brought this to myself didn't I?"

"Duh! Now go apologize to Artemis."

"But she hates me now!"

"Is that a problem Flash boy? Ekat eht sepor ffo Yllaw!" Wally stood up and strted walking towards Artemis' room. "Oh and you might want to know that if you knock and not just open the door then she might talk to you."

"Thanks, I guess." Once he reached Artemis' room he could hear two voices.


"Artemis, I'm telling you that you should seriously come over for a girl's day Bette will be there too and we can stop crime or something to keep your mind off that idiotic jerk of a speedster." Hey! That stung! Who is she talking to anyway?

"Babs, you knowI don't do girls days, but if be can do something like Halloween with Z then I'm in! Besides does Bette even know how to ride a motorcycle?"

"I tried teaching her last week outside of the you know what, but it didn't go so well."

"Can she at least mount it and hold onto the handles?"

"Yes but she doesn't have a bike."

"That's fine, I'll just ask Dick if we can borrow his, is he at the you know what because I haven't seen him all day." Wait she knows abut Robins secret identity and the Bat cave's location! How does she know and not me, that is so unfair.

"Yea he's here I'll have to ask him, so see you in Gotham? After you talk to your mom first right?"

"Yea see you then and tell Bette that she better not slow me down because if she does, she won't want to know the end of it."

"Noted, Bye."

"Bye." Okay I have so many questions, who is Babs and Bette. How do all of them know of he Bat cave? This is the best time to knock.

Main POV

Before Wally could knock Artemis kicked him in the shin and started walking away.

"Hey Artemis! Wally was going to your-."

"I'm Heading out can you open the hangar? I need to get my bike out so I can go to Star City."

" Um, Yea sure but do you want to talk this out?"

"I need to go visit my mother*."

" OH! Okay I'll get the hangar door open right away."

"Thanks." Artemis walked into the hangar and grabbed her bow and arrows that she usually takes with her on her bike. Then she located Robin's bike and hacked into it to make it go to the Bat cave. When she hopped onto her bike, Wally was in the hangar. "What do you want?" She sneered.

" I just want to apologize, you and I both know that when you leave here and go visit your mom this will start all over again, and I don't want that. Do you?" She sighed.

"I guess not." Her shoulders slumped. "You do know you acted like a real jerk right?"

"Yea I do and, I'm sorry."

"I wasn't expecting you to say that today, and I am in this situation where it seems very stupid not to forgive you so...I'll forgive you tomorrow."

"Ok wait! Tomorrow? Why tomorrow of all days?"

"Because Kid Idiot, I'm known to be very forgiving on my birthday." He nodded in approval not like he really needed to. "Now if you don't mind I have to meet up with Batgirl and **Electricita."

" Fine, but if there is a prison break don't call me and ask for help, because I'm telling you not to go to visit your parents."

"And I'm telling you that everyone will be okay. So don't be tempted to say I told you so."

*In this story Artemis' parents are both in jail in Star City this is my choice so don't complain.

**I created Bette Cane an alter ego for the sake of my story

By: JinxedPanda4LIfe

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