Secret meeting and a sprinkle of love

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Another boring day at central city high. Not. They pointed guns at us. Killed most of us. Except my class because they realised they needed hostages to keep the police out of the school. The worst part? I couldn't do anything about it because I couldn't get into my costume fast enough. And my classmates would surely notice and find out my secret identity. My secret. The secret that wouldn't be a secret if I changed into my costume right now, that Wally West is Kid Flash.

Just as I was about to stand against the intruders who were in my highschool the window shattered and a green arrow attached to a rope pierced through it. A teenage girl my age came sliding on the string, her long blonde hair crackling against the wind like a whip breaking the sound barrier. She wore a green uniform with a symbol Ive never seen before on her chest. She was breathtakingly beautiful, even in her costume. I couldn't imagine how beautiful she was without her mask.

She rolled and landed standing, an arrow from her quiver already notched in her bowstring. How had she reached back and notched the arrow so fast? She fired arrows at the hostile strangers without killing any of them and when they were too close she fought in hand to hand combat. While she was fighting one, another sneaked up behind her and two sneaked on each of her sides. I had already sneaked into the bathroom and changed into my costume when everyone was distracted with the new heroin. I ran and barrelled myself into the closest armed thug and knocked him unconscious. 

Together me and the gorgeous girl fought against the villains and managed to bring the few survivors out of the school to ambulances. After we helped as much as we could, we stood on the building across the road from the highschool and looked down, supervising. 

"Hey," I broke the silence, "um, good work in there." I looked down as she turned her head to me. At the corner of my eye, I saw he her turn her head to look in front of her again. I assumed she wasn't going to say anything so I kept quiet.

"Thanks for helping me." She said softly.

I looked over at her and grinned. "Uh, what's you're name?"

"Artemis." She looked at me, her voice was tough this time contrasting to her soft tone a couple seconds ago. 

"Kid Flash," I stuck out my hand and she shook it. " so, Artemis, where are you from?"

She hesitated and her eyes darted everywhere, she looked like she was panicking. "He's here." Her features hardened and I looked around in confusion.

"Who? Who's he? Who's here?" I did a quick run around the roof of the building we were standing on but didn't find anyone. 

"Artemis? What's wrong?" I asked my back turned to her, my eyes sweeping the perimeter. I could here her breathing get heavy and here her shift. 

"Hello, baby girl." Baby girl? I wondered. Who-

I turned and saw her face to face with Sportsmaster, she was ready to fight I'd need be. I ran to her side and stared up at Sportsmaster. "Oh, I see you brought a friend. Then, next time, baby girl. Or, maybe I could tell them your secret." He cocked his head, I couldnt see his face but I knew he was smirking. Was he black mailing her? 

"Leave her alone." I glared at him.


"Go away, dad." She said looking down. Dad? What?

Sportsmaster backed up and jumped off the building. "Sportsmaster is your dad!?!" I exclaimed impatiently.

She looked away, a hurt expression on her face not saying anything. 

Then she ran. She jumped off the building disappapeard into the dark. Curse her dark costume. I put on my goggles but she was long gone.

*Three weeks later*

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