[Season 2] Part 14 - The Wedding

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When you fall in love, the first thing you realize is that you can't describe it.

You know, you just want to look into his eyes.

Kissing her pink lips gently.

Hanging on his shoulder all night.

Dreaming of him in your perfect dreams.

And when you wake up, it's his voice that you want to hear first.

Tickle your ears with words of love.

And you only have one desire, to be with him forever, forever.

So what makes two people who have separated come together again?


And... I'm used to it.

That's the answer. As simple as that.



I opened my eyes wide when I heard a noise from the stairs. It seemed like there were several people standing in front of the door. But when the door opened, only one person entered the room.

"Mrs. Marquez?"

I turned my head quickly when I heard the sound. Obviously I know who it is. Marc. He walked towards me while smiling mischievously.

"Not yet," I answered. "See you tomorrow." I lifted my body and sat on the edge of the bed.

Marc stood in front of me looking straight at me. His brown eyes narrowed slightly. "Just a few more hours, Mia. And you will be mine forever," he said.

I shuddered my body. "Ugh, why do I get goosebumps, huh?"

He laughed broadly then suddenly his hands wrapped around my back and tried to kiss me aggressively. Marc pressed my body against his. Hit me. Making the distance between our faces thinner now.

I refuse to accept a kiss from him, but I like looking at his face this close.

A pair of eagle eyes with thick eyebrows offset his firm jaw. His cheekbones are perfectly formed, forming a charming smile every time they rise upwards. His lips were sexy and soft, red as a plum, so exciting. I love him right down to his irregularly scattered freckles.

If worshiping him was a sin, I'd probably be in hell. Because I know, every time I'm this close to him, he always ensnares me with an intoxicating charm.

"Hold on until tomorrow, Marc," I said.

I know he will hate every time I reject him. But just let it be. Tomorrow is our wedding day. He won't be able to hate me for long.

His face turned sullen. But when I smiled, he couldn't help but smile too. In the end he gave up and let me go.

"By the way, who are you with?" I asked, glancing towards the door.

"That's my friends, and Jose, and Alex," Marc answered.

Marc sat next to me on the edge of the bed and I was still looking at him waiting for him to continue. Marc smiled shyly as if he was hiding something.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you," Marc said after being unable to escape my probing gaze. "We're going to have a bachelor party."

I immediately raised my eyebrows and opened my mouth in surprise. "Marc!"

Obviously I don't like it and don't agree. Most bachelor parties will only make the prospective groom crazy the day before the wedding.

"Don't worry dear, no women, no alcohol," he said.

Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz