Bonus Part - Huka Lodge (1)

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I was hoping I could get lost in your paradise

The only thing I'm thinking 'bout is you and I

'Cause I can't get you off my mind

I can't get you off my mind

Lost in Japan - Shawn Mendes



Huka Lodge is a paradise on earth. At least that's what people say. What is clear is that the cost of vacationing here is very expensive. It's not that I want to calculate, but I always look forward.

Marc and I are married. We will live in a big house in Barcelona later―which is of course expensive to maintain, after that Marc wants a boy and will teach him motocross. His education must be good, so he can become a world champion with good behavior too. And all of that costs a lot, right?

But because this was my honeymoon with Marc, spending 200 million just for round trip transportation and 200 million to stay for a week in an inn―like a classically designed but very modern cottage―I thought it wasn't a problem.

Moreover, this place is really good. Located in New Zealand, it offers absolute privacy and elegant luxury. The view of the blue sky reflecting in a long, clear river cannot be found anywhere else. The trees are shady and full of birds singing in the morning and evening. The temperature is stable, even though the mornings are always cold because of the fog, the sun is never too late to shine at Huka Lodge.

For a truly romantic and memorable time together, Huka Lodge is the ultimate in perfection. This place is bathed in an unforgettable atmosphere and was created especially for those celebrating their love for each other.

The concept of a cottage can get some unpleasant attention in Indonesia, but in New Zealand, a cottage is mostly locally owned and operated, in an exclusive and intimate location in nature with an organic and eco approach.

Maybe you think during the holidays here we have to follow a schedule, you are wrong. At Huka lodge, rules don't matter. We can do whatever we want. Forget the 10.30am walk. At Huka Lodge we are kings. Eat, drink and travel without a schedule, they will still serve you.

A slice of thin bread or toast sprinkled with cheese, or meat is always available. However, because I saw the pantry was also full of other food supplies, I thought I could cook for my husband.

"MARC!!" I screamed from the kitchen.

Marc immediately came running to me. "What is it, honey?" he asked.

"Help me cook. I want to cook fried rice for breakfast."

"Fried rice? I like it!" he answered with his trademark big smile.

"Good," I said. "Help me cut the meatballs and vegetables. I'll cut the sausage."

His face turned sullen. "Which MotoGP world champion cuts vegetables?"

I shook my head slightly while rolling my eyes. "I don't care if you are world champion or not. When you are at home you are just my husband."

"But we're not at home darling, we're at Huka Lodge," he answered annoyed but still wearing an apron.

I'm laughing. "I know. But don't you always feel at home when you're with me?"

Marc looked at me and smiled. He lost.

Then Marc took a knife and cutting board and took some vegetables to be cut. But his movements suddenly stopped and he walked closer to the small speaker beside the kitchen cabinet. Marc fiddled with his cell phone―opening YouTube I think―then plugged the small speaker cable into his cell phone.

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