That Annoying Gray Guy

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Gale carefully added another tiny stitch through the small silken sails of the miniature pirate ship she was making. She'd ultimately decided to make a pair of earrings for her project- two tiny ships in bottles. She was a woodworking focus, but she'd never really considered what a challenge it would be working with such a small size. Her carving skills were truly being put to the test.

She finished the sail and tried to smooth it out with her fingertips. Gale sighed. The first ship, which she'd spent hours carving, looked dwarfed in comparison. She was going to have to start over or it wasn't going to fit in the bottle. 

The little bits and baubles scattered all over the table blurred all of the sudden, and Gale rubbed her temples. She'd been working for WAY too long, and she felt famished. She leaned back in her chair, considering going down to the Dark Roast Cafe for a bite. Hmm. She wouldn't mind going for a nice black coffee right now...

Her mind made up, she stood and grabbed her book bag from where it hung on her chair. Maybe they still had a sandwich or two left over from lunch rush. 


"And what would you like on that sandwich?" Scarlett Rose asked, making a scribble on her notepad. "Goat cheese and cold cuts. Please." The burgundy-haired Shadow High girl looked a little surprised at Gale's asking nicely, but finished writing quickly and went back to fulfil the order. 

Gale settled back into the brown leather booth, taking in the dark wood paneling and the industrial lighting of Shadow High's in-school cafe. The calming smell of roasted coffee beans permeated the air, and she closed her eyes to rest them for just a moment.

"Ah, yes! This looks like a perfect spot, my lovely Nixie!"

Gale's eyes snapped open as she heard the most grating, annoying voice she knew fill her ears. She didn't turn, but listened carefully to a pair of people sliding into the booth behind her. "I heard they have a sea salt maple latte now, maybe that would be good!" A silvery melodic voice said. 


Nixie and her annoying boyfriend, Guy Gray. Come to ruin her relaxing meal. Of all the days they had to do it...

"I can't go for the sea salt my dearest, it's a bit too spicy for my liking! But the maple DOES sound enchanting..."

Gale gagged internally as the tell-tale sound of moist kissing sounded behind her. 

"Mmm, wearing a nice strawberry lip-gloss today, are you?" "You always guess it right, Guy." Nixie replied adoringly. 

Scarlett came back with Gale's sandwich and coffee. "Thanks." She mumbled, still trying not to alert the happy couple of her presence. HOW had they not noticed? They were so disgustingly infatuated with each other. Gale took a long, steaming sip of her espresso. 

"Guy? I have some exciting news." 


"We're having a contest in my jewelry-making class! And the winner gets to have their very own feature in The Reflection!"

"How fortuitous, my muse! And what are the grounds for this contest?" 

"Well, we have to make a jewelry piece that has a meaning. Something inspired, that's not just pretty rocks or metal. And I've decided to make a headpiece inspired by a memory of someone very special to me, I'm sure Mr. Wreidt will like it!" 

"Oh, wow! Someone very special to you, I see! And I'm sure they'd be mentioned in the reflection as well..." 

Gale made the mistake of sneaking a quick glance backwards, just in time to catch Guy smooching Nixie's cheek. She wrinkled her nose and hunched forwards again. 

"I would think so. I think I'm going to make a sterling silver chainmail headpiece with clouded pearl accents, inspired by my older sister. She-"

"What?" Guy almost instantly sounded both confused and hurt. "She's the someone special to you?"

Nixie blanched, realizing. "Well- Guy- it's not that you're not special to me, you are! It's just that the memory with her popped up very first and-"

"I thought I was the most important person in your life, Nixie. I do so much for you. I've written PROSE for you. And it seems as though you can't create YOUR art in inspiration of me."

"Guy, please don't." 

"You probably just feel sorry for me. You probably don't even love me-"

Gale suddenly stood up and whipped around, glowering. "You motherfucker. Shut the everloving fuck up or I'll knock your brains sideways."

Guy yelped and smooshed himself into the booth. "Gale Vikernes! I should have known you'd be around to ruin my date with Nixie!"

Nixie stared, not sure whether she should be angry at Gale for insulting her boyfriend or relieved that she'd interrupted his whining. 

"You heard me, you little grey snotwad. Nixie doesn't have to give you the time of day. No one wants to hear your high-pitched little voice yapping like that." 

"Uh- Gale-" Nixie held up a hand to stop her. 

Gale ignored her. Her blood was boiling and she needed somewhere for her anger to flow. 

"Nixie could do SO much better than you. There are students lined up around the hallways to get a CHANCE to go out with her and you think your position as her boyfriend is secure? Nice try. I could mop the floor with you if I wanted."

Guy narrowed his eyes. "As if I need to take YOUR opinion. Fatherless behavior, in MY opinio-"

Gale lunged forward and grabbed him by the shirt collar. People sitting at the nearby tables screamed. "You little-"

"STOP!" Nixie cried, forcing Gale to look at her. "Stop! Don't you dare hurt him!" 

Gale scoffed, tightening her grip on Guy's shirt as he struggled in vain. "I won't do anything permanent. I'm just gonna rearrange his insides for a minute."

"That's my boyfriend! And I am NOT letting you continue to harass him! Now drop him!"

Gale snorted and let go. Guy tumbled back into the booth, not daring to say anything more. Nixie tried to look Gale in the eyes, but failed to see them past Gale's thick bangs. 

"He treats you like a trophy, Nixie. Not a person. I'm right, you know. You could do so much better than this bastard."

Gale turned coldly and collected her things, quickly making for the door. 

Nixie stared at her retreat, not sure how to feel.

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