It's Not Laced, I Promise

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Nixie trudged through the doorway of her dorm room and slung her book bag over the back of a chair. She'd had so much to do in rehearsal today, and she was exhausted and famished. Felice was sitting at the kitchenette table already, and she was thoroughly enjoying a slice of fluffy yellow cake.

"Ooh, would you mind if I had a slice of that, Felice? I could use a sugar boost right now." Nixie asked. 

"Of course!" Felice grabbed a small plate and dished up a piece, handing her roomie a fork as well. Nixie dug into the citrus treat, finding it to be the perfect blend of sweet and tart. 

"This is delicious, Felice! I didn't know you'd been working on your baking skills! And, might I add, the kitchen is awfully clean!" 

"Oh, I didn't make it!" Felice giggled, as if the thought were absurd. "Gale did! She-"

Nixie spit the bite she was chewing out violently, as if by reflex.

"Wait- GALE?! FELICE! SPIT THAT OUT!" She snatched Felice's plate away from xem, mind racing through the possibilities of what could be in the cake. 

"It's fine, Nixie! And this is my second piece! There's nothing wrong with it." 

Nixie wasn't convinced. "That's not like her to just give us a cake. She HAS to have some sort of an angle." 

Felice gently took the plate back from their friend. 

"Give her a chance, Nixie. Maybe she wants a fresh start. Who are we to take that from her?" 

Felice went back to blissfully enjoying his treat, and Nixie slumped. She was all for believing in the goodness in others, but GALE? Was she not past chances?

She sighed and put her head on the table. It was true that Gale had been different lately. Perhaps it was time for a new beginning. 

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