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Nixie Neptunus stirred her latte, her mind still on the eruption from Gale that had happened five minutes ago. The explosion itself wasn't a surprise- Gale was aggressive like that. But this time she was surprised about where the outburst came from. She glanced at Guy, who was now happily sipping his salt-free maple latte. They were an unlikely couple, weren't they. The school loser promoted to instant cool guy because he was dating the prettiest girl at Shadow High. 

What did she LIKE about Guy? Nixie sipped her drink as she watched her boyfriend, honestly trying to focus. 

She liked how funny he was. He had a quick wit and a sharp sense of humor. He was a talented writer, and put his whole heart into his work. Most people passed him off as too awkward, or too lame, or too nerdy- but she loved those things about him. He was so sweet. 

But Gale's remark. 

"He treats you like a trophy, Nixie. Not a person." Guy DID love showing her off. He talked about her every chance he got to anyone who would listen. He wrote novels for her. Hell, once he'd commissioned an oil painting to be made of the two of them in Greek God style. The painting still hung in Guy's dorm. He WORSHIPPED her. And... and isn't that exactly what a partner is supposed to do? 

She thought of other times. Times when Guy's efforts had fallen flat. 

Times that she'd wanted to hang out with her friends, or go out somewhere new on a date. But if Guy didn't approve, it didn't happen. He would sulk and whine otherwise. Guilt tripping her to stay in with him because he didn't want Nixie to go roller-skating with her roommates, he wanted her to stay in so he could write! 

Nixie shook it off. She was glad to have a boyfriend, especially one as adoring as Guy. 

...Then why didn't she feel so lucky right now?

"You've been quiet, my muse." Guy tried to look heroic as he slid closer to her, but the effect was lost as he had a big foam mustache from his latte. Nixie giggled and wiped it off his lip. Guy smiled and pressed his lips against hers, with a little too much feeling for the moment. Nixie pulled away and placed a hand on his chest.

"Guy, why do you think Gale dislikes you so much?" 

Guy blinked in confusion at the change in topic. "I wouldn't know." He ran a hand through his hair thoughtfully. "I suppose she's wildly jealous of me, my achievements. The way I have favor with our peers, unlike her. She's simply barbaric."

Nixie sighed. "I guess. I just don't know what her deal is. She hates a lot of people, but you seem to be her target specifically."

"They all hate what they can't have, as the saying goes." Guy pulled Nixie closer to him. "And YOU, my lovely Nixie, are the very one who gets that." He winked, even though his words sounded particularly lame in the moment. 

"Maybe she's lonely." Nixie suggested.

Guy wrinkled his nose. "If she was lonely, why on earth would she terrorize everyone? Everyone with sense knows that's not the way to make friends."

Nixie sighed, twirling a pink strand of hair around her finger. "Maybe she needs someone else to take that first step. I don't know." Nixie laughed, without humor. "I don't even know why I'm defending her. Sorry for bringing it up, Guy." 

The uncomfortable topic over with, Guy proceeded to talk about his newest poem idea. Nixie couldn't listen this time. She didn't feel like it.

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