Misguided Intentions

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Gale's next class was woodworking; by far one of her favorites. There was something extremely satisfying about taking a sharp chisel to a hunk of buttery, sweet-smelling wood and slowly carving away ribbons of material to have a masterpiece rise from the shavings. 

She knew she was technically supposed to be fitting this coffee table to its sturdy legs, but Gale felt as if it first needed a beautiful ocean carving across its surface. She might add a glass top later to combine functionality with beauty. 

Gale chipped away, watching a crashing wave unfold across the surface of the wood. She got out her sandpaper for the first pass and quickly fell into an easy rhythm, smoothing out harsh angles. 

As she worked, her mind began to wander, for the HUNDREDTH time, to the interaction from earlier. 

Gale had never been kind to Nixie- or anyone, for that matter. She'd thought that sort of thing a waste of time. So why was Nixie spending her kindness on Gale? What was different? Or was it because Nixie's kind to everyone? Ugh. She didn't want to feel like a charity project.

But then why wouldn't she have done that earlier? Hmm.

Gale sat back on her heels and racked her mind. Why didn't she like Nixie, anyways? That was easy. She's perfect, and everyone loves everything about her, and she...

The thought hit Gale like a roaring speedboat. Did she LIKE Nixie? Was she JEALOUS? Gale shuddered, but entertained the thought. 

Why defend her from her own boyfriend's antics? Why admit in her mind that she was a favorable person?

That was it. Plain and simple. Gale wanted a friend, and she wanted that friend to be Nixie. Aw, fuck. What a dumbass she'd been. 

Gale pushed the sandpaper into the grooves of the seafoam, hewing away splinters. There was going to be one big issue with that.

Guy. He hated Gale, and Gale hated him. For good reason, too! 

But Nixie wasn't ever going to be friends with a person who'd literally stuffed her boyfriend into a locker. And endlessly pranked her roommates. And... okay, yeah. January was right. This isn't a clean fix.

Fine. Gale didn't feel like doing anything half-baked. If she was in, she was all in. 

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