A Tasty Treat, Poison Free

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Gale rushed to the oven and opened the door, instantly filling the dorm area with the warm buttery smell of cake. Lemon cake, to be exact. She slipped a pair of oven mitts over her hands and took the pan out of the oven, carefully setting it down to cool. Now the only thing left was a topping!

She rifled through the fridge and found a pack of cream cheese, which she unwrapped and dumped in the stand mixer. She'd cream it for a few minutes, and then add some powdered sugar. Nice and simple. 

This cake wasn't for Gale, or for her roommates, even. She was going to win over Nixie's roommates. Maybe a little butter and sugar would blot out the memory of a wet squid in their blankets. She chuckled inwardly, remembering the scene. It HAD been funny. It was too bad the others didn't think so. 

She added the powdered sugar to the nicely whipped cream cheese, and turned it up to high to get rid of any chunks. A quick scrape and the frosting was done.

She spread the topping onto the cake, trying to make it look nice. It looked a bit plain, so she found a little pink decorating sugar and sprinkled it over the whole thing. Perfect! It was a little messy around the edges, but it looked edible. Gale scooped up the cake without a second thought and headed to the door, bumping it open with her hip.

She soon arrived at Nixie's dorm room, and she carefully knocked with her elbow. As she stood there, her stomach twisted. Was she doing something NICE? Unprompted? Not expecting anything in return? Ugh. This kindness thing didn't seem very fair. 

The door opened and Gale grinned awkwardly, probably looking more like a leering shark than anything else. 

Cream Macchiato, one of Nixie's roommates, stared in horror to see the school bully standing at her dorm room with a very suspicious looking cake. 

They quickly tried to shut the door, but Gale braced one of her legs against it to hold it open. Cream was no match for Gale's rugged physique, but they still valiantly pushed at it. "Go away!" she struggled. 

"I made you guys a cake." Gale said matter-of-factly. 

"What's in it, laxatives?" Cream hmphed. She shook like a leaf in the wind, but still stared defiantly. 

"It's a CAKE." Gale said, a little annoyed. "And you're going to eat it."

Just then, Felice Citron, the third and final roommate of the dorm, appeared. 

"OOH, a cake!" Fae leaned closer. 

"It's lemon flavored." Gale pointed out.

Felice's eyes widened, and they grabbed Gale's arm and ushered them in. Gale shot a smug look at Cream, who looked frantic. 

The dessert was placed on the marble table with much ceremony, and Felice dug in the cutlery drawer. "I found a knife!" 

Xe cut a thick, tantalizing slice and levered it onto a small plate. "I didn't know you baked, Gale!" Felice remarked, digging a fork into the fluffy treat. 

"Eh, not much. But I dabble now and then."

Felice raised the fork to his mouth, and Cream winced. For a moment only the sound of thoughtful chewing could be heard, and Felice tapped her chin. 

"Oh, it's not bad at all! You should try some, Cream!" Felice held out the fork, and Cream starkly shook their head. 

"Fair, you probably don't want my spit all over it!" Felice giggled to themselves and went to find a fresh utensil.

"I don't want any at ALL." Cream folded her arms, looking uncomfortable. "Maybe we should take you to the nurse."

Felice looked puzzled. "Whatever for? I can handle sugar just fine!" 

Cream started to say something, but stopped short at the sight of Gale's narrowing eyes. 

"Thank you for the kind gift, Gale." Cream said stiffly. "Good night."

Gale swallowed and left, not feeling too much better about the whole situation. Why didn't anyone think she was being nice?

But she didn't feel so bad like she expected. Seeing Felice enjoy something she made was kind of nice. Maybe she would do it again sometime.


Cream Macchiato belongs to norainenorainbows

Felice Citron belongs to @PracticallyVenus

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