Forever Home?

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Please always check the trigger warnings as they may change between chapters.

You woke up, Angela was still holding you, you were tucked in her arms, she was reading.

"How are you feeling, darling?"  Angela asked.

"How did you know I was awake?" You asked quietly.

"You've been moving around and stirring for the past ten minutes." Angela said.

"Are you hungry, Wesley is just making some blueberry pancakes," Angela said.

"I'm not that hungry Ma'am" you replied.

"Ah, you make me feel so old when you call me Ma'am, my mum is a Ma'am, I'm just Angela sweetheart," Angela said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel old," Y/N said quietly.

"It's alright, now, how about we go get some breakfast, you might not be hungry but you need to eat to regain your strength?" Angela smiled, sitting up.

"I'm sorry, I realise that nobody needs some charity case kid to look after, please, don't feel pressure to look after me or keep me," you said suddenly

"Woah, where did this come from sweetie, of course we want to look after you, you're no hassle, we care for you deeply, and actually, there is something Wesley and I want to talk to you about" Angela said.

You just looked at her with confusion and appreciation.

"C'mon, let's go get breakfast," Angela said, standing out of the bed and offering her hand to you.

You took it. Angela helped you out the bed and handed you your crutches.

"Thanks," you said.

She smiled and then helped you to get to the kitchen

Wesley was just setting up the table with the pancakes, some fresh fruit, and different juices.

Angela pulled out your seat and then moved your crutches once you had sat down.

Wesley and Angela sat.

"How did you sleep, kid?" Wesley asked.

"It's the best sleep I've ever had," you said.

"That's good," Wesley said.

"Okay, what would you like to eat?" Angela asked.

"I'm not really hungry," you replied.

"I know, but you do need to eat," Angela said.

"Wait, is that watermelon?" You asked suddenly, your eyes lighting up.

"Yes, would you like some?" Wesley asked.

You nodded frantically.

He pushed the bowl watermelon to you.

You smiled. It was a huge smile of genuine joy.

Wesley and Angela shared a smile that was the happiest they had seen you.

"Go ahead. You can have all of it. We have more in the fridge as well. " Wesley smiled, handing you a little fork.

You began to eat the watermelon.

Wesley and Angela smiled at the new information that you loved watermelon.

"So, I told you Wesley and I wanted to talk to you," Angela said.

You nodded, still happily eating your watermelon.

"We have put in a request to be your permanent Foster parents, now you already knew this but, what comes after and can happen at the end of next month is, we can adopt you, we wouldn't do it if you don't want it but if you would like to stay with us, then we will adopt you" Wesley said.

The Story of Y/N Lopez adopted daughter to Wesley Evers and Angela LopezWhere stories live. Discover now