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                             [DON'T WORRY, HOST. I'm at your back. For now, find a place where you can hide in the meantime.] The AI ensured her.

Ali, on the other hand, searched for a place to hide as ordered by the AI. For now, she doesn't have to face the approaching threats if she knows there is no guarantee that she will survive. She will stand remain at the side for now. She will continue to observe and find the right time to sneak into the Beast's den. Ali ran away from that part of the woods and she chose a higher spot so that somehow she could still see and witness the clash that was about to happen below.

She thought of climbing a tree so she looked for a stronger and bigger tree that was no longer covered by the earthquake. She saw one and using the vines that were scattered there, she tried to climb until she reached one of its biggest branches where she could lie down while surveying her surroundings. When she was in position, she pointed the weapon she was holding in a direction and peered through its telescope at what was happening around her.

"AI, show me the Map." She instructed.

A holographic Map opened in front of Ali where she could now freely monitor the location of the surrounding beasts and the elemental spirit that was coming... One red, green, and blue dot each, and another gray dot that is separate from the group. Finally, four more yellow dots came. Ali couldn't stop being shocked, and according to the AI ​​system, every color has its symbol. It is said that her color is purple because she is unique and the color of the energy that comes from her changes every time she contracts with a familiar. So there is also a possibility that she can get not only one familiar. But in her current condition, it is unlikely that she will be able to do that because she is still weak. Once the AI ​​system can upgrade to level three, only then can she make another contract for her second familiar. But it should be as strong as she is. Because if it is stronger than her, she might not survive the process. Ali stopped worrying about it for now.

She found out that the four yellow dots belonged to a mutant beast. While the red, green, and blue came from an elemental spirit? Holy cow! What should she do now?

Three consecutive antagonists in one go. Is there still a possibility of winning from the mutant beasts's side? Ali clicked her tongue.

"By the way, what's the gray dot stand for?" She curiously asked the AI.

[It's the Mutant Beast that is about to come out from its lair, host. It's changing color from brown to gray because it is about to upgrade again.]

Ali's eye almost popped up from its sockets. She was stunned. "W-What?!"

She couldn't imagine it!

"H-How is that possible? I thought it was only at the fourth level. How come—" Ali didn't finish her sentence when she felt the sudden vibration from the ground beneath. She almost lost her balance and was about to fall from the tree so she hugged the thick branch and held the sniper rifle in one hand tightly.

"Squeak, squeak!" Snooky makes a noise all of a sudden.

"Snooky, stop making a fuss." She reprimanded. But Ali did not expect it to suddenly jump from her shoulder and it changed size again and returned to normal. It jumped up and down on the branch they were on. Ali's face almost ran out of blood when it was about to jump down the tree, luckily she was quick and caught it by its long fur that served as a hair on its head. She hugged him and comforted him just to keep him quiet.

"Snooky, sash. I'm sorry, but please, behave for now. Here take this," Ali asked the AI ​​for a piece of crystal stone and gave it to her familiar who was getting restless again. Fortunately, after a while, it returned to being quiet. It also quickly took a crystal stone almost as big as her fist, almost biting the finger on Ali's hand. She snorted and ignored it. Their surroundings also stopped shaking so Ali once again looked for the possible whereabouts of the beasts and elemental spirits. According to the AI ​​tracker, they are only a few meters away from the ridge and where you can find the hole that has been covered due to landslides, anyhow, from above the tree where Ali is, with the telescope, she can still see that part, and that's how awestruck she was when she noticed that the area around the hole collapsed completely and just appeared as a crater or a pit there.

Suddenly there was a big opening! Just observing for a few moments, Ali noticed some movement from the collapsed ground...


"What the—"

The debris scattered around exploded as a gigantic creature with two horns similar to an elephant or a boar came out of the hole. The only difference is, it's even more monstrous than an old elephant! It also has stripes on the body similar to a tiger or leopard. The only difference is that the color of its thick body fur is gray and white. It has sharp and long claws made of metal and measures about half a meter. One of the things that make Ali's body hair stand up is its sharp fangs and its tail which seems to be made of sharp metal too. Its growl echoed through the forest as if it was conveying who the king was and how strong he was and that no one could easily defeat him.

Ali swallowed hard and she felt her palms sweat even though she was wearing gloves.

"It looks so powerful. Can he defeat the three elemental spirits that are coming?"

[What do you think, host? One elemental spirit can be its match. If they work together against that beast, victory is certain.]

"It's true... Yet I just can't stop regretting it. If I have a pet like that one, maybe I don't need to be nervous when I'm on this mountain." She even nodded her head with dissatisfaction.

Ali only waited a few minutes and soon she felt the change in temperature like when she encountered the fire elemental spirit in the forest. It seems to lead the other two out of the three. And if they and her Snooky meet, it will be a big reunion for them. Looks like Ali needs to be more careful. It looks like this time she'll need Snooky's ability to become invisible again!

To be continued. . .

Short update and not edited.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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