Chapter Ten

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Water fell from the shower head, it's coldness making us catch our breaths for a second, splashing out before flowing in a steady stream down the tiled wall of the bathroom and landing on the floor down at my feet in a soft sound. I pulled her closer to me, taking a few steps backwards and swiftly putting her back against the bathroom glass.

"Dante, oh my god," she moaned, hands on my ass, her fingernails digging deep in my skin. I thrust in harder, losing all my self-control. Her moans were the only sound I could hear and there sounded so heavenly, drowning the sound of the water falling on the floor.

"Naledi," I kept saying, my teeth sinking in her bottom lip before I kissed her, my tongue exploring every part of her mouth. I could taste the water but I was too turned on to mind, as long as the water was in her lips then it tasted perfectly sweet to me.

My hands grasped her ass as she did mine and I fucked her even harder, faster, deeper. She moaned louder, biting me on my neck, leaving her mark. I loved her more when she did that, leaving her mark so that I knew I was only hers and no one else's and she was mine and nobody else's --- forever.

"Dante, wait, wait I, " she continue to moan, her grip on my ass tightening,  "I'm gonna ---"

I paused the video, locked my phone and put it away as their front door opened. Naledi came out first, Sandile following behind her. They shared a couple of words then Naledi hugged him and gave him a peck on the lips before heading towards her car. I hadn't spoken to her since the day she broke things off with me. She seemed to have meant what she'd said because she never called, texted or even made an attempt to see me.

She started her car and drove off. I followed slowly in pursuit, dialling her number as I did. After three rings she surprised me by picking up. Neither of us spoke a word. For almost two minutes all I did was listen to her breathing on the other line.

"Naledi ---"

"I told you not to call me," she cut me off. Her voice was firm, she meant it and that hurt.

"You picked up," I said plainly, ignoring the tight feeling in my heart, "Don't you know it's wrong to drive whilst on the phone?"

"Dante are you following me?"

"Atleast the road is deserted, so you're safe."


"No I'm not following you Naledi."

"You are, what the fuck Dante," her car slowed down, she pulled over and stopped. I did the same, getting out right after and approaching hers.

"Dante what the hell is wrong with you, are you stalking me?" she said as soon as I got inside her passenger's seat.

"No I'm not stalking you Naledi, I'm not crazy."

"Are you sure cause clearly you seem like it."

I ignored the urge to slap her. This was the second time since she came back that I had felt that way, she was pushing me towards the edge and I hated to even think of the possibility of me slapping the hell out of her.

"Naledi listen to me."

"No Dante, no, I don't want to listen to you, I don't want anything from you, I told you we're done."


"No, get the fuck out of my car."

I stayed glued on the sit, saying the only three words I hoped she'd understand, "I love you."

"I don't care! I don't love you, I love Sandile."

"And I don't care that you love Sandile, that has nothing to do with me Naledi, look," I bit my lower lip, suddenly feeling a lot of emotions overcoming me, "I can change. Tell me what you don't like and I swear I'll be the perfect guy for you. All I need is a chance to get back with you, all I need is for us to go back to how we used to be. Before Luvuyo happened, before Sandile, before you started hating me."

"I don't hate you Dante."

"Then ---"

"But I don't love you either," she cut me off, "Clearly you weren't listening to me the last time we spoke. I don't want anything to do with you so stop stalking me and carry on with your life, please."

"No," I said, "You can't get rid of me that easily. As long as I fuckin' live, as long as I fuckin' breathe then I sure as hell won't stop coming after you. You love Sandile?" I let out a dry laugh, "What? He's the perfect guy for you?"

"I never said he was perfect."

"Well you act like it."

"Dante please ---"

"It's always the perfect ones that are the most fucked up in the head. Trust me I know Naledi."

She rolled her eyes, "And you know how? Because once upon a time you were perfect until you committed murder?"

"Fuck Luvuyo," I didn't mean to but it came out as a shout, "Fuck the past Naledi. He died, he's fuckin' dead so fuck him."

"Get out Dante," she matched my tone, "Get the fuck out of my car."




Her chest rapidly moved up and down, her breathing was heavy, "If you don't leave I'm gonna call Sandile."

"And tell him what? The guy you denied knowing at the coffee shop is in your car because of what?"

"Just leave," she picked up her phone and as she was about to actually dial Sandile's number I slapped it out of her hand. We both hassled to try and get ahold of it and when she got to it first, I firmly held her hands in mine, stopping her from doing anything.

"Dante please ---," My lips fell on hers in an attempt to shut her up. She didn't kiss me back for the first few seconds but as I continued kissing her she finally relaxed into it and kissed me back. I adjusted her driver's seat, allowing more space for me to get ontop of her. After clumsily doing so, I took off her jacket, followed by her top and when I was about to go even further she suddenly stopped me.

"Dante I can't, just get off me and get out."

I got off her, "Naledi please listen to me."

"Get the fuck out."

"I'm not going to give up on you. Never. If you think for a second that you can get rid of me this easily then you're fooling yourself. You think after all these years I'll just let you go. You love me Naledi and you know it," she was about to say something but I shut her up, "You think it's easy to watch the person you love choose somebody else over you? You think I'm not hurting? Fine, let's see how far you and Sandile go. I'll leave you the fuck alone Naledi."

I didn't give her a chance to respond, before she could even comprehend what I had said I got out of her car. When the outside breeze hit my skin tears fell from my eyes and reality really struck. In as much as our relationship had always been based on sex I was actually realising that deep down it meant more to me. I was in love with Naledi and being me was messing that up. She didn't love me she loved Sandile and the more that sunk in my mind the more the need to get rid of him pestered my mind. If I killed Luvuyo, what could possibly stop me from killing Sandile?

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