Chapter Eleven

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Both Naledi and Sandile were out. Naledi was at work and Sandile was taking a jog. From the statistics I had gathered in the past couple of days stalking the both of them, he took atleast an hour to come back. Maybe stalking was a huge word though so let's just say the past couple of days I had been overly interested in both of their daily routines. Sandile didn't have a job so that meant he highly depended on Naledi, that was red flag number one. He stayed at Naledi's place, that was red flag number two and I surely was going to raise more red flags about him.

I stepped out of my car and approached their front door, looking around to make sure no one could see me. Especially the neighbour who had caught me having an episode the last time I did something just as insane as what I was doing at the moment. Using a lock pick, I managed to unlock the door and I entered the house, careful to make as little noise as possible.

I took in my surroundings, the place was neat and organised. It was probably that way because of Naledi, she was a neat freak. I moved around in their living room then to their kitchen, standing there a bit as memories of old days flooded my mind. Days when Naledi and I used to stay at my place. The kitchen was her favourite place, she loved to cook and I loved her food, too bad I had to ruin all that. I continued my tour, walking past their bathroom and into their bedroom. The bed wasn't made and everything seemed not to be in it's rightful place, I blamed it on Sandile because he was probably the last to wake up.

"Why him Naledi?" I asked myself outloud, moving towards the bed and lying in it on my back, "He doesn't deserve you."

I closed my eyes and pretended none of it was true, pretended Sandile didn't exist and Naledi was as madly in love with me as I was with her. I imagined her walking inside the bedroom with nothing on except heels. I imagined her moving slowly towards me and straddling me. It felt so real that I actually felt the weight of her body ontop of mine. I imagined her biting her lip, her hands tugging at my t-shirt and taking it off. Her eyes full of lust and her voice so sultry, saying my name, telling me she loved me, telling me I'm all that she needed. I imagined her and that's all that it was, just an imagination far away from reality.

I opened my eyes, cussing underneath my breath. Maybe if I wasn't a voyeur, maybe if I didn't adore sex so much, maybe just maybe if I was different she was going to take me back. I was going to change as soon as Sandile was out of the picture. I got up from the bed and made my way to their closet. My fingers brushed across all of Naledi's clothes. I went through her drawers, rummaged through her underwear and found a vibrator. I smiled to myself, thinking of all the crazy things she must've done with it. Then as I was about to close one of the drawers something caught my attention, in a clear plastic bag was red stained jean. My hands trembled as I took the plastic bag and opened it to remove it's contents. There were the same jeans I wore when I killed Luvuyo, I knew because Naledi had bought them for me. Not only were there custom made but there had my initials on them.


I staggered back as the memories suddenly came rushing back. Naledi's voice clouded my brain. My eyes went pitch black, I couldn't see anything, my heartbeat raced, my body shook, I wanted to scream but nothing came out. All I heard was Naledi, her cries, her shouts, her voice.

"Dante what the fuck have you done, Luvuyo!"

"It's not real, it's not real, I'm just imagining it," I kept saying over and over again but it wasn't helping. Luvuyo's lifeless body was all that I suddenly saw, that and his blood. Everything turned from black to red. I could smell the blood, I could feel the pain in my fists as if I was hitting him. Punching, and punching and punching continuously.

"Dante he's dead."

"No, no Naledi shut up, this is not real," my voice broke and I fell on the ground, crouching and holding my head in my hands. I wanted to get away from it but I couldn't, I just couldn't.


"I'm sorry Naledi."


"I'm so sorry," I cried, shutting my eyes so hard to try and get rid of the images in my head but it wasn't working. I opened them and there she was. Naked and covered in blood. Her eyes were teary, looking back and forth between me and Luvuyo who wasn't dead anymore. He looked at me with a smirk on his face, pulling Naledi to him and beginning to fuck her. I tried to move, I tried to speak, I tried but I couldn't. All I could do was watch him fuck her, watch him hurt her and he did with so much pleasure. I shut my eyes and slowly began to black out, the red turned to black and the black to white until I finally couldn't comprehend the colours.

I woke up with a startle, hearing a creak as the front door opened. I got up from the floor, picked up the source of yet another episode of mine and hurriedly hid in the closet. Checking my watch I noticed I had been out for over thirty minutes, that meant Sandile was back from his jog. I cussed underneath my breath, I could've easily been caught.

"You didn't lock the door when you left," a female voice that wasn't Naledi's said, "Naledi will kill you if she ever found out."

"I'm pretty sure I locked it but whatever," Sandile responded. I was so curious to see who he was talking to but I couldn't risk coming out so I silently stayed still, especially when I heard their footsteps approaching the bedroom.

"You know one of these days she's going to come back early and the both of us will get in trouble," the woman laughed, "Come here."

In as much as I had wanted Sandile to be imperfect I had not hoped for him to be this imperfect. I heard them kiss for a while and the soft thudding sound of the bed told me they had taken things a bit further. I silently prayed they weren't going to fuck ontop of Naledi's bed, that was mad disrespectful. But then again, judging from how comfortable they seemed to be I assumed they had done it many times before.

"Let's take this to the shower cause I'm sweaty as hell," Sandile spoke in a low voice and I thanked the universe for answering my prayer. They both left and it was only after I heard the shower tap running that I stepped out of the closet. I took very light steps in order to avoid making noise and went to the drawer where I had found the jeans, putting them in the plastic without even looking at them I placed them back where I had found them.

I crept out of the house as quietly as possible, having passed the bathroom and heard Sandile and the stranger fucking. That was red flag number three, the fool was cheating on Naledi under her roof.

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