Criminal Minds & Fate

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"As I recall, you told me you never watched the show, because you told me that if you had watched it there might have been a chance you would of recognised me, and would of reach out to me," I said remembering the conversation we had in hair and make-up.

"I was telling you the truth, at that point I had never even seen one episode of Criminal Minds, until recently," Eve tells me, I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at her.

"Until recently huh? So what changed?" I asked curiously.

"A couple of things? The first is you, I got curious when listening to you and the others talking about it, since most of the cast seem to have all seen it, second you know Steve got me into watching Game of Thrones?" Eve asked me, and I nod my head slightly, "I finish watching Game of Thrones, then one day while you were away on location, Steve and Matt were talking about how there might be a new season of Criminal Minds and were wondering if you had heard anything, they were going to ask you when you got back, again I told them I hadn't seen any of the old seasons and asked Steve if he also had them on DVD so that I could borrow them off him like I had with Game of Thrones, unfortunately he didn't have them, he did however help me to buy all the boxsets on DVD from something called Amazon," Eve tells me before finishing the rest of her wine.

"Wow? You're telling me, you brought every single, season of Criminal minds?" I asked stunned.

"Yes, I did, I'm on season 2 right now, your friend the one who plays Emily has not long come into it," Eve says as she picked up the wine bottle, pouring herself some more wine, topping my glass up as well.

"You mean Paget? She was so much fun to work with, she was definitely a fan favourite," I said drinking my wine.

"I can't really see it yet, as I'm still getting over the loss of Agent Greenaway," Eve says wiping a tear from her cheek that wasn't really there, she was just doing it for effect, I just roll my eyes.

"I was sad when Lola left the show," I tell Eve, as I think back on her last day, we had promise to keep in touch and meet up for lunch, dinner, go out some time for drinks, and though we meant it at the time, unfortunately it never happened, sometimes we would see each other at parties, award shows or other events and would always have a lovely catch up, nothing beyond that though, "So do you think you were of recognise me, if you had watched it when it first aired?" I asked Eve trying to get off the subject of Lola.

"It's hard to say, I mean you looked different on the show then how I remembered you, however I can say without a doubt that you are my favourite," Eve tells me with a little playful elbow to my side.

"Oh stop trying to flatter me," I tell Eve drinking some of my wine.

"Is it working?" Eve asked me.

"Maybe just a little," I say with a laugh, "then if am your favourite in Criminal minds, then Farah Dowling is most certainly my favourite," I tell Eve with a little wink.

"You watched Fate? When?" Eve asked me placing one hand on her hip with one side of her mouth curled up into a sideward smile.

"While I was on location, one night I was browsing Netflix trying to find something to watch, when Fate popped up and I remembered you talking about it, so I decided to watch it the ending really shocked me," I tell Eve, remembering that ending and how it had shocked me, as Eve never talked about that scene, however she had talked about her first scene, and other scenes, maybe she didn't want to ruin it for those of us who hadn't seen it.

"Apart from the ending, what did you think?" Eve asked me.

"I really enjoyed it, the only trouble being I couldn't watch it all in one go, however it gave me something to look forward to at the end of the day, so anyway are you going back for the second season? Because a lot of fans believe that Farah used her magic to save herself," I asked wanting to know.

"let's make a deal, I will tell you if am going to be in season 2, if you tell me if the rumours are true about there being a new season of Criminal minds?" Eve asked me, I couldn't tell her, because even those we were in talks for a new season, we still haven't got the green light yet, plus I wasn't allowed to say anything.

"Eve am surprised at you, I though you would have known better then to listen to rumours," I tell her with a chuckle, while doing my best to avoid the subject, as I really couldn't say anything.

"I will take that as a yes, and that you are simply not allowed to say anything yet," Eve says also avoiding my question.

"Looks like we are out of wine, should we order some more?" I ask drinking the last of my wine.

"Sure. How about we order some food as well?" Eve asks placing her now empty wine glass on the table.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," I said placing my glass next to Eve's before reaching to the side of me, and picking up the menus, handing one to Eve, as I hand it to her our fingers lightly touch, at the touch we look into each other's eyes as my stomach flipped upside down, I pull my hand away from Eve, looking down at my menu, wondering what the hell was that all about? I had touched Eve lots of times and that had never happened.

My body had become tense, so had Eve's body, not wanting things to become awkward between us, since we were getting along so well, I turn my face to look at Eve, she was frowning, had her stomach also done a flip? "Stop! your over thinking again, it probably just all the wine you drunk," I tell myself before clearing my throat, "what do you fancy?" I ask looking back at my menu.

To Be Continued:

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