The night before summer started.

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This was the weirdest summer of my life, but before we get into that. I would like to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Quinn Marshall, and I'm about to tell you a crazy story about my life. So fasten your seat belt cause this is going to be a bumpy ride.

All this happened the summer before my senior year of high school started, Believe me shit
got crazy.


“Hey Quinn, are you coming to Mark's party tonight?”

“Party?, What party? No one told me anything about a party.”

What the hell? Why didn't Mark say anything? I'm his girlfriend, for God's sake.

“Are you sure? Didn't Mark tell you?”

“No, he didn't.” Did he just forget about me or something?

"That was really not cool of him, but are you going, though?"

"Hell yeah, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind tonight."

"Yeah, you do that girl, I'll be with you every step of the way!"

Mark, what the hell are you hiding from me, I'll find out, and hopefully tonight.

“Ellie, I'll see you tonight.”

“Okay, see you tonight.”

Mark always tells me everything. Something just isn't right. I texted Ellie and asked her when the party would start. She said it would start at 21:00, and the time now is 20:45, I better get going.

I don't want to be late, I have to talk to Mark before the party get's to crazy. I grabbed my car keys,

and exited my house. It was 20:55 when I got to Mark's house, luckily Mark just lived 10 minutes from my house.

“Come on, Quinn, you got this.” I tell myself as I get out of my car and make my way to the front door of Mark's house. No one has arrived yet, but Ellie did tell me that everyone always shows up a little late.

“Okay, here we go.” I lift my hand to ring the doorbell, but I stopped myself before I could ring it.

“I don't have to ring the doorbell.” Mark told me to whenever I come over to just use the spare key under the welcome mat. When I bent down, I placed my hand against the door to hold my balance, but to my surprise, the door opened.

“What the hell? Wait, he is throwing a party, which may be why the door is unlocked.”

I made my way to the stairs, because that's where his room was, But when I made it to the top I heard a giggle, the giggling of a girl, if I wasn't mistaken. in this moment, all I saw was red, I stormed towards his room, I didn't even knock I just burst through the door, and that's when I saw it, I wanted to scream and cry all at the same time.

“What the fuck!”

“Q...Quinn? I can explain.”

“How could you do this to me, you fucking Prick? Has our relationship just meant nothing to you?”


“No, of all the girls you could have cheated on me with you choose her?”

“It just happened.”

“Fuck you, when it comes to Jessica Daniels, these things don't just happen, do you really think she cares about you?”

“Acctually, I do.”

“I'm not talking to you, you Bitch!”

“I don't just care about him, I love him.”

“Fuck you both, you deserve each other, Mark you and I, we're through!” I stormed out of the room, and slammed the door shut behind me.

I ran down stairs, as I past the kitchen, I saw all the drinks and snacks for the party on the kitchen counter. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was standing on the counter and I left with it, he won't even notice that it was missing.

I can't believe he did this to me and with her of all people. He knew damn well how I felt about her, that bitch ruined my life, and because of her, my brother is dead. I don't want to think about any of this, I'm gonna take this whiskey, and I'm going to get shit faced so bad that, hopefully I forget my name, and everything that has happened tonight.

This is where it all started, Mark and I dated for 3 years, He was the first guy I ever cared about, and I thought I loved, although I never told him, but looking back now, I'm glad I didn't. He didn't deserve my love after what he did to my heart. My summer really kicked off to a bad start.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now