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After showing Ryder and James around, we stopped for some ice cream and went for a swim at the beach.

I visited Quinton's grave, Ryder went with me, he held me tight in his arms when I started crying, I wish I could have introduced them on different circumstances.

They would have been the best of friends. I'm doing better with coping with him not being here anymore, also only because Ryder finds ways to keep things off my mind.

We also had a run in with Mark and Jessica, but Ryder handled the whole situation pretty well, better than I ever could.

I would have loved it, if Ryder punched him in the face, but on the other hand I'm glad he didn't because I just know that Mark the little bitch would press charges.

Ryder and I spend as much time together as we possibly could, since we knew that it would be a long time before we'll get to see each other again.

Ryder is the best thing that has ever happened to me, he was definitely given to me for a reason, he saved me, he showed me that there was more to life than just waiting around until it was your turn to die.

He somehow gave me life again, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my time on earth with him, he has shown me what it really meant to be loved, and that my relationship with Mark was nothing but toxic.

Ryder is the opposite of toxic, he is the sweetest most loving and caring person that I know, he is the type of man, that would support you with everything you do in life, and he would pick you up whenever you fell, with no judgement in his eyes, only love.

When I look back on my life, I can't believe how far I've made it, how did I come all this way without him?
Nothing seemed to make sense, but then I met him, and everything just seemed to fall into place.

I wonder what our lives would be like five years from now. Who would get married first, me or Ellie?
But that doesn't matter, all that matters is now, where I'm happily laying in the arms of the man that I love.

Being able to stare into his eyes, and having to look away because when he looked into yours, you get shy and have to look away and hide the blush on your cheeks.

Hearing the words I love you every day from the man you love, is just the best feeling, it's even better when even though you have been together for almost a year, you still get butterflies when you hear it.

But it's worse when you have to kiss him and say goodbye because he needed to go back home.

“I love you so much, Ry.” I whisper into his chest, as I hug him tightly, too scared to let go.

“I love you too, Love.” He said and kissed me on the head.

I stopped hugging him, taking his hands instead.

“Can't you just sneak me into your bag?” He laughed, and I couldn't help but smile.

“No, you have to stay and finish school.” I rolled my eyes.

“Jeez, this is what happens when you date a grandpa.” I said, grinning at him.

“Hey, I am not a grandpa, and you should know that, you saw how fast I can move.” He said, smirking and winking at me.

“Ryder!” I shrieked embarrassed.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. Two can play at this game. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer to whispered in his ear.

“If you sneak me into your bag, I can keep you fit, make sure you don't lose speed.” I kissed his neck as I stepped back and started walking over to Ellie and James.

I heard his intake of breath, followed by his slow steps behind me. I smirked to myself, deciding to tease him some more.

“You're already getting slow!” I said, turning around to face him.

I shrieked in surprise when he picked me back and threw me over his shoulder, thank god I wasn't wearing a dress.

He spun me around a couple of times before running towards James and Ellie. He lowered me to the ground next to Ellie.

I slapped his arm, harder than I meant to.

“Ouch, why do you hurt me?” he asked pouting.

“Sorry, babe.” I said and kissed the spot where I slapped him.

“Much better.” He said, hugging me to his side.

“Gross, you guys are so weird.” Ellie said with a fake gag, James just nodding his head in agreement.

It was the most depressing week after the guys left, we missed them so much, but we called them every day, so it was a little better.

I found out that I got into the University of Florida, and when I told Ryder he was so excited, and so was I, I doubted that I would get in.

I also got the biggest surprise of my life, when Ellie told me she applied to a college in Florida, and that she got in, and the college was the University of Florida, Ellie and I were going to be Roommates!

Looks like life is finally working out for us.


I was so excited when I heard that Quinn got into a college here, and it was a plus for me since it was the same college I was attending.

We will only be going to college together for a year, but that's okay, that gives me more time to start working while Quinn finishes school.

I haven't told Quinn yet, but I've already started looking for apartments for us here, and I think I might have found the one, but I'm not doing anything until I have her approval, and it is also what she wants.

She and Ellie decided that they want to live in a dorm together for the first two years or so, and I'm perfectly fine with that, I of course, at first thought that it was silly because Ellie's grandmother literally lives here.

I found out that it was something that they had dreamed of since they were little girls, and I respected that. They are allowed to live the whole college experience.

Everyone has a purpose and a reason to be on earth, and I am 100% current that Quinn is mine, and that I am hers, And I am so ready to spend the rest of my life with her.

I just know that my father would have loved her, and she would have loved him.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now