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I finally told Ellie about Ryder helping me, but I was starting to regret saying anything. She just wouldn't shut up about it now. Carter's going away party starts in two hours.

We thought that there wasn't going to be any party considering what happened with his girlfriend, but Carter said he was still going away, and he would never turn down the chance to party.

Carter was extremely nice to me. It was weird, but I just brushed it off. He was probably just grateful that I helped him. If I was being honest, I was kind of worried about him.


Ellie called from outside on the porch.


I quickly made my way over to her.


I questioned, confused.

“Let's take a picture, Grandma got me a new Polaroid camera.”

I smiled at her. She was holding a black Polaroid camera in her left hand. Ellie and I loved taking pictures. We like to capture the special little things.

“Let's take two. That way, there will be a picture for both of us.”

I laughed at her, but I agreed.

We helped grandma Rose with putting out all the party snacks and drinks, when we were done, there were only 30 minutes left before the party started, here would in total be 50 guests 52 if we include Ryder and James.

Thinking about Ryder made me kind of nervous, I didn't really know how to face him after what happened. I feel genuinely embarrassed.

The party was taking place outside, Grams had an enormous backyard, so it wasn't really a problem. Carter's party won't be the only one, my birthday is next Friday, Ellie said that there was no way in hell that I was not having a party, I was turning 18.

Ellie was already 18, her birthday was last month. I wasn't really that excited about my birthday, mostly because Quinton won't be here.

“Quinn, are you okay?”

Ellie asked from next to me.

“Uh, yeah, sorry.”

I smiled at her. She smiled back, but I could still tell that she was a little worried.

People started showing up for the party, almost everyone was friends of Carter. I recognized a couple of them, like Ryan, the person whose party we attended when we first got here, and his girlfriend, Lisa, I think was her name.

I was starting to think that Ryder wasn't going to show, but that thought quickly disappeared when I saw him, he looked so handsome, he was wearing a black leather jacket, with a pair of black jeans and black combat boots.

His eyes were scanning through the big crowd of people until they landed on me, his face instantly led up, his green eyes locked right on my face.

The butterflies just went crazy in my stomach, the closer he got to me, I was utterly stunned by the beauty of this man in front of me, my heart dropped when he finally reached me, he took my hand in his and kissed the top of my hand, he leaned in closer and whispered in my ear.

“You look beautiful.”

I instantly went red, I shyly looked away from him.

“Thank you.”

I wasn't wearing anything too fancy. It was just a black long sleeved dress, I wore my hair down, with a slight curl at the ends.

I looked to my left to see that Ellie was no longer next to me, as if reading my mind, Ryder smiled at me and said.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now