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Graduation was great. My parents could actually make it, and they were so proud of me, it warmed my heart hearing all their compliments.

Ellie and I will be leaving in a week, we wanted to get to Florida as soon as possible, so we had a lot of packing to do, and luckily, we had help.

“Love, where should these go?”

Ryder asked as he came into my room.

“Ugh, you can just throw them into the box there.”

I said, pointing with my finger.

He nodded and did as I said. He then came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

“I'm so happy right now.”

He whispered into my ear, making me giggle.

“I'm happy too.” I said as he let go of me.

“Okay, I better go help, I'll see you later.”

He gave me a peck on the lips and left.

We got settled in pretty quickly, our dorm wasn't too big, and it wasn't too small either, we had our bathroom, and a small kitchen, so we were happy.

We spent the rest of the time before school started with the guys, and we visited grams a lot too. Ryder made sure to take me on as many dates as possible, which brings us to where we are now.

“How is this for a 5th date?”

He asked excited.

“It's wonderful.”

It really was, he turned the thinking rock into our own personal cinema. He placed a big blanket with a couple of pillows on the rock, and next to the rock was a picnic basket filled with food and soft drinks.

We watched a total of 3 movies, of which we didn't pay much attention too because we were either too busy making out or throwing each other with pillows or popcorn.

After the movies were done, we just sat there and stared at the stars, me sitting in between Ryder's legs with his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

Currently, all I could think about was how much I didn't want it to end, and how I wanted to be like this, with him forever.

“What are you thinking about, love?”

Ryder asked in a low voice.

“Where do you think we'll be in five years?”

It wasn't a teenage fantasy question, I was generally curious. Ryder looked away from me, seeming deep in, thought. It felt like it took forever when he finally answered.

“That is something I haven't really thought about, I usually live in the present, well, until I met you. Now I can only see my future with you in it.”

I smiled and kissed him.

“Yeah, I feel the same, I have no future if you're not in it.”

He smiled at me and hugged me to his chest.

“Isn't love crazy?”

I asked, making Ryder chuckle.

“Yeah, it definitely is, but a good kind of crazy, though.”

I nodded my head.

“Yeah, I agree.”

I got up and grabbed our glasses, refilling them.

“Okay, let's make a toast. To the Future, specifically our future.”

I raise my glass Ryder following my action, we cheered together.

“To our future!”

I put on some music and held my hand out to Ryder.

“Dance with me?”

“It would be my honor.”

He took my hand, allowing me to pull him to his feet, we danced until after midnight. This is definitely going to be a moment that I will remember for the rest of my life.

𝟔 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫.

Ryder and I have been together for a year now, it has honestly been the best year of my life, I am really looking forward to many more years with him.

Not only was it our anniversary today, but also the day that we finally move in together. It was a lot sooner than planned, but Ellie already moved out, and I wasn't really looking forward to living alone.

Ellie and James actually moved in together two months ago, they just couldn't wait any longer. School has been great, but only because I have a best friend like Ellie and a wonderful boyfriend like Ryder, and a cool and funny guy like James.

I really hope that Ryder isn't going to kill me, I thought to myself as I made my way home, I truly believe that once they get to know each other that he'll grow to love her just as much as I do.

“Quinn, is that a fucking dog?”

Well, there is no fake surprising him now.

“Yes, please don't be mad, it's just I walked pass the pet shop and I saw her in the window, and she just looked so lonely. I couldn't help myself.”

I pushed out my bottom lip, and looked at him.

“Please, can we keep her?”

I pleaded with him, he sighed out loud.

“Fine, what is her name?” I ran towards him and hugged him.

“Yes, thank you! Her name is Rory.”

He smiled at the name.

“Rory, it fits her.”

Not even two days later, and they are already best friends, I am 90% current that she loves Ryder more than me.

Sitting here in the park under a tree reading a book and watching Ryder playing with Rory, has been the most precious thing ever, I would have never thought in a million years that I would have gotten as luck as I did a year ago.

Ryder has given my life so much more meaning, no amount of words would ever be enough to describe the love that I feel for this man, and the love that he gives me.

This is exactly where I'm suppose to be, right here, in this moment with him.

Our kinda good crazy summer love.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now