Part 24 ~ Profound Emotions

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Vandita's pov

As we walked through the palace , I could see the sadness etched on everyone's faces. The preparations for the pooja were in full swing , but there was a sense of emptiness that hung in the air. Maa sa led me to the kitchen, where the women were busy preparing the prasad . I could see the pain in their eyes as they worked and their hands moving mechanically .

Maa sa handed me a bowl of rice and asked me to help with the preparations . Maa sa's kind smile and reassuring words made me feel welcome . I started helping with the cooking and soon enough we fell into a rhythm

As we worked , Maa sa shared stories of Devika , her childhood , her personality , her everything . I listened intently, trying to understand what was the little Innocent girl was like . Maa sa's voice was heavy with sorrow but she spoke with a sense of pride and love for her daughter.

As we finished preparing the prasad, Maa sa led me to the pooja room . The room was filled with flowers and incense smoke . The idol of Mahadev and Maa Parvati adorned the shelves . Pandit ji came with pitaji and devarsa and we all started the pooja . Maa sa lit a lamp and offered prayers to the Deities . I stood beside her, feeling a sense of reverence and respect for the family

After the pooja was over , we offered prasad to the poor people and after that Maa sa led me back to my chamber . She handed me a plate of prasad and said " Eat this with faith and devotion , It will bring you peace " I ate the prasad slowly, savoring each bite . The sweetness of the rice and jaggery filled my mouth and I felt a sense of calm wash over me.

As I lay down on my bed , I closed my eyes and thought of Devika . I prayed for her soul to rest in peace and for my family to find solace in this time of grief . I knew that this journey would not be easy, but I was determined to help this family overcome their pain and find happiness once again , even a bit .

I heard a knock on my door and found mridula , she smiled lightly at me understanding the emotions the family was feeling for their daughter's demise . I welcomed mridula and she instantly hugged me , I hugged her back when I felt her crying , I shook my head and wiped off her tears

" It's okay , let's sit down and talk " I said guiding her to the couch . We sat in silence for a few moments , both lost in our thoughts

Mridula broke the silence " I'm sorry for the loss jiji . I know how much the daughter of the family must have meant for the family "

I nodded, feeling grateful for her kind words

" Thank you , It's been tough but we're trying to cope " I replied with a slight nod

Mridula reached out and took my hand " I understand jiji..... Losing someone you love is never easy "

We sat in silence again, both lost in our own grief. But then, something inside me shifted . I realized that I couldn't keep holding onto the pain and sadness forever.

" Mridula , can you tell me more about Jaisalmer..the people , the environment , everything " I asked and she nodded before continuing

After a while , when she finished I found my blood boiling already , What a Monster !!

" Don't worry Mridula , I'll talk to Ranvijay , just give me some time , the thing is that he is already going through so much so I don't know how am I going to ask him but I'll try my best , if we don't go tonight then don't worry we will go tomorrow , if by any chance we face the king we are definitely not afraid to fight , don't worry , We'll execute our mission by hook or by crook " I said and she nodded in full confidence as if she knew that we are like that only .

" I know jiji , you're the bravest , Maharaja Ranvijay and you both are " She replied and I found myself already engulfing her in a warm hug

In the Evening

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