Eeveestar13,Seventeen and Carat Bong Partner Friend and Signature Frisoul Burst

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(Another explanation time!)

Since Chapter 5 is on the way,the Partner Friend will be appear every chapter now.

We're going to talking about a Frisoul Burst.

Frisoul is a origin name from Friend and Soul.

It same like Florul Burst, this one can be enable in the Battle.

The Battle were same like did,such a 'Normal Attack','Skill and Magic' and more.

This is Eeveestar13,Seventeen and Carat Bong Partner Friend and their Signature Frisoul Burst.

Eeveestar13 and her Partner Friend:

Flowture (Origin name:Flower and Nature/Torture)

Gender:Genderless but then revealed as Male

Name:Planthadon (Origin name:Plant,Piranha and Don,a greek lauguage from 'tooth')


Frisoul Burst:Let's Biting Forever:Element-Type (This is also another referance from Z-Moves 'Let's Snuggle Fovever' a Mimikyu)

Description:The Flowture,Planthadon,will sneak into the Enemy with their vines to wrap it and then start biting endless and feral. Always chance cause Enemy to Flinch. This Frisoul Move will determines the Element-Type Move they used.

Carat Bong and her Partner Friend:



Name:Rubbit (Origin name:Ruby and Rabbit)


Frisoul Burst:Ruby Rain:Crystal-Type

Description:The Hoppit,Rubbit,will use her Minigun Ruby to make a Ruby Rain. With the sharpness Ruby Shard,it will make Enemies bleed until her Minigun Ruby will reload with Ruby the final blow. Always land on Critical hit. Always chance cause all the Enemies to Bleeding.

S.Coups and his Partner Friend:



Name:Puppribbon (Origin name: Puppy and Ribbon)


Frisoul Burst:Cuteness Rough:Normal-Type

Description:The Kkuma,Puppribbon, will attack the Enemy with her cuteness charm.She will start attacking so rough with her Sword and her foot cutely and final attack throwing a Ribbonrang at Enemy. Always chance cause Enemy to Infatuated.

Jeonghan and his Partner Friend:

Jjeong Toram


Name:Angelunny (Origin name:Angel and Bunny)


Frisoul Burst:Moon Beam:Fairy-Type

Description:The Jjeong Toram,Toram,will fly with her ear-like wings and soar to behind her Moon. She will start to collecting the Moon Energy and blast it to all the Enemies to cause the Moon Energy to explode. The Battle Field will be change into Fairy-Type Field for 5 Turn.

Joshua and his Partner Friend:



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