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Imagine there's no cancer,

It's easy if you try,

No pain or suffering,

Or waiting just to die.

Imagine all the people,

Living worry free,

Without that ticking time bomb,

That no one else can see.

Imagine no more pain,

Without the worry,

No anguish or tears,

No need to hurry.

Imagine not losing the ones you love,

The ones you care for,

The people you grew up with,

Not losing anybody, anymore.

Imagine being able to breathe easy,

Not having to worry,

Not having to cry yourself to sleep,

Not holding onto that intense fury.

The battles,

The pain,

The struggles

The agony,

The tears,

The death.

All could be gone.

We wouldn’t lose anybody to this dreaded illness.

We wouldn’t have to attend our best friends funeral.

Our mothers funeral.

Our fathers funeral.

Anybodies funeral.

You may say I'm a dreamer,

But I'm not the only one,

That hopes the world will be cancer-free,

So we can live as one.


I just wrote this. 

This is for my best friend, my brother. 

He has cancer, and is struggling to get 'better'. 

He is currently in the Cancer Ward in a hospital, two hours away. 

I haven't seen him since Wednesday. 

I miss him. 

I pray for him. 

I cry.

I love him so much, I don't want to lose him. 

I pray that he gets better. 

I just pray.

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