A Case? Pt 1

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3rd pov.

After Izuku's parents pulled Izuku out, they took his phone and befre he coiuld protest, this is all they said to him.

K: "Listen Izuku, the place we're taking you, there are no phones allowed there."

H: "Anyone who tries to bring one will be forcibly removed and baned from the area.

Izuku asked where were they going that they have such a strict rule against phone, hhe joked and said it was like school to which his parents looked at each other in silence bfore looing at Izuku with a frown.

It was a sad frown that had goodbye written all over it. Izuku stopped in his tracks.

I: "Mom? Dad? Where we going and why do you look like that."

H: "There is no we in this place, you're getting dropped off."

I: "Ok, But Where?"

K: "Izu, you rember that time where you had to stay with your dad for a month when you were in middle school?"

I: "Yes? what does that have to do with this?"

K: "Yes well, i went on a mission that month and found an illgel lab, two of the test subjects were your age and refused to go anywhere with us even after bustiong the whole operaation, this whole time we managed to move them to a cleaner facility but they refuse to talk, eat, or sleep. Yesterday, after we put them to sleep we checked their vitals and...Izu it's not looking well."

I: "ok, What part am i supposed to play in this?"

H: "Training and communication. You are to teach them some for of communication in this short amount of time, we know- it sounds impossible-"

I: "Is you mean. How am i supposed to do that by mysel?"

H: "That's why you get a week and a half to figure it out, we'll bring necessary supplies-"

K: "And your homework, you are absoulutely not doing any make up work, we'll record your classes and play them there so you can study."

I: "You know, you're making it sound like i woun't be able to get out of the room on my own, as if it were locked from the inside..."

H, K: "It is."

Izuku looked at his parents in disbelief, he was trying to find words to say before his parents kept walking to the car. Izuku knew that no matter how much he protested his parents wouldn't budge. In the car they explained things that happened during and after the mission, thye told him things that were allowed and not long after they finished telling Izuku everything, they arrived.

Izuku felt dread coming from the bulding. He was escorted into the room after being given supplies and once he was in the room he was met by 2 pairs of yellow eyes. Izuku started back assesing the situation, their stare off lasted for a while before being interupted by Inko telling Izuku to get along and to stop staring that it was rude.

Izuku replied with a fine before going to sit down on the other side of the room before pulling out school books. The 2 pair of eyes were instantly intruiged by all the noise Izuku was making before staring at him write, read, and talk. They looked amazed for a second before looking confused. Izuku was doing his world history homework and was reading out loud before he stummbled upon the word "Los Españoles" at they sound of that the 2 other individualls jumped up scaring Izuku.

I: "OMG You scared me what happened?!!"

Both: "Los Españoles?! ¿Que es lo que tu sabes sobre ellos? Los conzes? Eres uno de ellos?" (The Españoles?! What is it that you know about them? Do you know them? Are you one of them?)

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