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🟪 purple for hantengu

🟥 red for Sekido

🟩 green for Karaku

🟦 blue for Aizetsu

🟨 yellow for Urogi

🟧 Orange for Zohakuten

🟪🟥🟩🟦🟨🟧- (all of the colors equals all of the cats) You found them in a box. All of them had dyed fur, and some person disfigured the one in the middle

🟪🟥🟩🟦🟨🟧- You decided to bring them all to the vet to go make sure they were okay.

🟪🟥🟩🟦🟨🟧- Afterwards they were all okay you took them home.

🟪- Hantengu is a scaredy-cat. He's always hiding. He only comes out for food and when you bring him out with treats.

🟥- Sekido is the least friendly. He doesn't let you pet him very much. Infact he mainly hisses or growls at you (like my silly cat)

🟩- Karaku was interesting. He liked scratching you and would run whenever you tried to put him in timeout.

🟦- Aizetsu is a sweetheart. He doesn't like it when Karaku and Urogi scratch you, so in return you get cuddles and can touch his toe beans.

🟨- Urogi is like Karaku, except louder. He is very fast and like jumping on you and he will meow a lot. Like all the time

🟧- Zohakuten is a kitten, he's small but he does seem to get Urogi and Karaku to leave you alone. He gives off the vibes of someone who doesn't want to be here. He gets along with Muichiro and Yuichiro because they all nap in the window together.

🟪🟥🟩🟦🟨🟧- All in all they're okay. You have two peacekeeper, two crazy cats, a sweetheart, and a silly scaredy-cat

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