Farewell To All

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"How can you think that it's all about you, huh? It's never been about you, and it never will. You've deluded yourself into a so-called 'sense of security', and for what? So you can just waltz in and out like you aren't liable for your own actions? Give me a f—king break, Michael! How do you think this makes me feel, how your KIDS feel?"

My kids... It was always my kids. She'd kept going about how bad I was at life, and yet, I stopped listening when she'd brought them up. My little pumpkin patch...

"...Eugenia." I interrupted, meeting eyes with her, "If you'd like to start a custody war, I won't stop you. Just... Make sure my kids don't forget who their dad is, okay?"

Her facial features twitched slightly, possibly processing what I'd said in contrast to what I'd done. While Eugenia said no words, the simple walk-off told me everything. With that, I sat out on the front porch and waited for the police to close in.

"Papa?" I hear my littlest say behind the screen door.
"Go back inside, pumpkin." I calmly reply, unmoving from my seating, "Papa doesn't want you to see what's happening."
"Pa, be real here!" My oldest chimed in, clearly upset, "How're we supposed to just get a half-assed goodbye through Mama, and not you?"
"Now, Nicholas, I told you to watch your language around your siblings. It's a-"
"I know, I know. A bad habit and a bad influence. I'm sorry... But—"
"I know, Nicky boy. It's hard for me too. Come out here, the four of you."

The creak of the screen door mixed with the progressively closer sounds of a helicopter and sirens.

"I don't have much time left, patch. Your Papa never has. Despite that, though, I want you all to remember how much I love you, and how much you should love each other. Before I go away for a long time, I need you to promise me that you'll keep loving each other, and in turn your Papa, as much as you all do now, no matter the circumstance. Could you all do that for me?"

"...Fine, Pa."
"Ok, Papa!"
"You can count on it, Papa."
"See you later, Papa..."

As the police lights were just a few houses down, I shooed my pumpkin patch back into the house and began to walk towards the curb with my hands up high.

As they restrained me, I caught one last glimpse of my family with a smile on my face.
"Remember: Always be good to others, and moreover each other!! I love you, my healthy growing patch!!" I called out to them as my final words to them for a very long time.

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