Chapter one-Unacceptable

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Pearl made her way to Rose's tent. She stood outside. "General Quartz?" She called in. She didn't want to intrude, but they had to leave to inspect the Kindergarten. Pearl was honored to have a job scouting with Rose Quartz.  It had only been two hundred years since she came to this planet, but already she'd been chosen by Rose to be her protection on missions.

It was rare for a Pearl to even see a battle field, much less serve a general.
"Just a moment!" Rose called out.
When Rose finally stepped out, her curly pink hair and height that towered above most created such an atmosphere. Pearl for down on one knee and bowed respectfully.
"Shall we be off?" She asked, as she and Rose started their journey.

"Yes, we should be arriving soon." Rose said.
Pearl watched Rose as she made her way through the brush. "We'll be placing a warp pad here just as soon as the Galaxy warp is complete. " Rose assured Pearl.
They found their way to the site chosen for the Kindergarten. Pearl stared the injectors placing one gem, then going to another spot. A large gem stood in the canyon.
"It's about time you got here, Rose." The gem was about Rose's height, but with green skin and white hair.
"Jade, this is Pearl. She's a trained knight, " Rose said. Jade looked at Pearl, scowling.
"A Pearl? I don't think that's possible." Jade sneered.
"Jade!" Rose said sharply. "Could you tell is about the Kindergarten? " She asked, now calm.

Jade took pride in her work, as most Jade's did. She explained, "We're placing gems in the earth to incubate. They'll suck the minerals from the earth and Terra-form the landscape. Then, after the incubation period, they'll hatch and enslave the dominant species, the humans." Pearl looked at Rose, who had a look of disgust on her face.
"Thank you, Jade." Rose led Pearl away, and once they were out of earshot, she whispered, "This isn't right. It's unacceptable. "

Do it for her...(A Steven Universe Fanfic)UNDER EDITWhere stories live. Discover now