Chapter Seven-You can't fuse

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Of all her humans, I think her favorite was Greg.

She and Greg spent so much time together, that Pearl started to get... jealous.

Then one day, when he and Rise were singing, She  had an idea.

She walked up to Rose. "We should fuse into Rainbow Quartz for the video." She whispered. She nodded excitedly, and they fused. Pearl kept a, "so there" attitude.

"Woah what is that? I can't believe I got that on video!" Greg exlaimed.
"That was Rainbow Quartz. Pearl thought a fusion would give your video that extra umpf! "

She told him she had to go, and left.

"You're just a phase, you know that, right?" Pearl  asked Greg over her shoulder.

He sighed. "Actually no, I do not know that, Pearl."

She grinned. "Of course you don't. There's a lot you don't know about Rose."

"I know she's super into me!" He exlaimed loudly.

Condesendingly, she turned to him and said, "Look Mr. Universe, Rose May think you're charming, but that's only because you're because you're human. You're a novelty, at best."

"Oh yeah, and how do you know that? " He challenged.

"We'll that's simple! " she laughed. "You can't fuse. Fusion is the ultimate connection between gems. But you're a human. And humans. Can't. Fuse." She tied him up with the microphone.

"Well, has any human ever tried fusing with a gem?"

Pearl was stunned. "Well, no, I don't think so..."

"Then I will try!" He said.

Later that evening, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl  watched Greg and Rose try to fuse. Pearl thought when it failed she would want nothing more to do with him, but they just kept dancing.

"Why are they still dancing, it didn't work!" She whined.

"It worked." Garnet said.

"I think this one's my favorite." Amethyst said.

"I think he's her favorite too...

Do it for her...(A Steven Universe Fanfic)UNDER EDITWhere stories live. Discover now