Chapter three- Strategy

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It was understood that Rose was a busy gem. She was second in command for the homeworld army, but at the same time she was leading an entire rebellion.
Nobody suspected Rose Quartz, one of the the most respected gems in the universe, would be secretly plotting to overthrow admiral Yellow Diamond.

"Pearl, there are some people I want you to meet." It was a particularly sunny day, and Pearl had to shield her eyes from the sun. Rose and Pearl made haste heading to a tower that looked out to sea. On the other side, there were miles of trees and fields with food growing for the native people. Pearl loved this planet's beauty, much greater than the cities of homeworld.

"Pearl, meet Ruby and Sapphire." Pearl had seen Rubies before. They were usually bodyguards or foot soldiers. But a Sapphire?

Rose motioned to two small gems. They were much smaller than expected. The one that drew Pearl's attention was a beautiful blue gem with long hair that covered her eyes. The Sapphire, presumably.The other was a Ruby. Pearl had seen many like them before, only different. These gems were tiny. They were...

"Defective..." Pearl whispered.

"You wanna run that by me again? Pearl." The Ruby demanded. She summoned her weapon, a single red gauntlet. The Sapphire placed her hand on The Ruby's shoulder.
"Ruby," She said. "Calm down, it is true after all," The Ruby just scowled.
Pearl summoned her staff. "I am more than just a Pearl. If you must know, I am skilled with sword fighting."
Pearl and Ruby began to charge at eachother, leaving a calm Sapphire and annoyed Rose.

"Enough!" Rose stepped in between the three gems.

""Yes Rose!" The two said, putting away their weapons. Pearl blushed blue. To imagine upsetting Rose Quartz.

"Now, If you three are going to be among my highest trained soldiers, you can't kill each other! Pearl?"

Pearl crossed her arms."Fine..."

"Ruby? Sapphire?" The two gems nodded.

"We need to talk strategy, " Rose sighed. It was dark now, and they were about to lose light. If they lit a torch, they would be discovered. There were seven of them in all in Roses tent, and all they had accomplished that evening was a feud between Ruby(With no surprise from Pearl) and a gem whom Rose referred to as Topaz.

"What if we sent out troops in small groups under false pretenses and annihilate them?" A blue gem asked.

The idea was given a moment of thought. "No, that would be unwise," Sapphire concluded. "Not to mention, suspicious. " She reached up to her bangs as if to readjust glasses, then quickly retreated her hand.

Do it for her...(A Steven Universe Fanfic)UNDER EDITWhere stories live. Discover now