Chapter five-Little Monster

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"Rose, why do we have to be here? It's creepy! " Garnet rubbed her arms.

"Garnet, you know we have to search for... leftovers...." Something crashed. "ROSE I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE TEMPLE!" Pearl yelled, jumping into Rose's arms. She giggled.

"Pearl, why are you so jumpy?" She put her down.

"GET OUT OF HERE! " Someone yelled. They all looked up to see a small purple gem. She hurled herself off the rock she had been sitting on, and fell face-first at their feet.

Pearl summoned her staff, and pointed it at the gem. "Great, you're our prisoner, lets go."

Pearl turned to leave, but Rose stopped her. "Pearl, I think her gem's cracked." She knelt down and turned the gem to her back.

"Pearl, pull her shirt down." She did, and revealed a tiny cracked gem. "Oh no," Rose gasped. She started to cry her healing tears.

As the tears fell on the gem, the crack healed.

The gem then ran onto a small hole in the canyon wall. There were thousands of them. There were injectors still poised to implant gems.

Pearl hadn't noticed, but Rose was now rocking the gem, and they were both crying.
"Shh, you don't have to fight, you don't have to kill anybody anymore..."

Rose was crying. The gem was crying. Even Garnet and Pearl were crying.

Rose dried her eyes, and was now smiling. "Amythest is coming home with us." She held one of Amethyst's tiny hands, while the other wiped away tears.

"Before you, nobody cared." Amethyst whispered.

Rose, I love you more and more every day...

Do it for her...(A Steven Universe Fanfic)UNDER EDITWhere stories live. Discover now