5. Edgar

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"You seriously bugged her?!"

Her slightly guilty look says it all to me.


Completely insane.

But it was clear, with my genes.

With a clinically ill psychopath for a mother and an alcoholic opportunist thief for a father, it was almost inevitable that I would fall in love with a complete lunatic.

It's the evening before the oh-so-hyped Christmas party. Late, pitch dark and freezing cold. At least here in the Gift Shop it's bearable.

Said lunatic and I have just attached the last over-the-top festive glitter star and snowflake paper garland to the ceiling. Now the entire store glitters and flashes in an iridescent ice blue. As if we were in the Ice Queen's palace.

My opinion on the whole thing: A, way too cheesy. B, it will be a huge effort to put everything away again. C, there should be a raise for such work. And D, the mysterious bundle that Colette and I have just painstakingly attached to the top garland of lights worries me slightly, as it sways so ominously back and forth.

"In a sense, she allowed me to do everything I could to make the evening a success."

"So, she knows."

"I didn't say that. It's just a supportive reassurance in case something goes terribly wrong."

"And the huge shopping bag on the ceiling?"

"Reinsurance if things go really well."

Groaning, I roll my eyes and then smile. My hands are on Colette's neck so I can feel her heartbeat. He walks calmly and regularly. It's a good feeling to know that.

I slowly lean down towards her and feel with satisfaction how her pulse skyrockets. The little devil is just an open book. Creative, extremely funny, totally insane and so beautiful.

"But before you implant a tracking device under her skin, let me know in advance so that I can steal the right tool from Goat beard," I whisper, my lips very close to hers. "If you do something like that wrong, you'll end up with a bad one Scar back."

And with these words I overcome the last few inches between us and realize that someone has been snacking on the chocolate cookies in the shop.

Three devilish angels on questWhere stories live. Discover now