8. Bibi

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"How are you doing? I've noticed you've been so quiet lately."

Lately? We've seen each other once since I've been single again, Bee, and that didn't last more than five minutes. After all, you are Edgar's kindergarten friend and his schoolmate, not mine!

"I'm doing well. Thank you." I snort into my phone.

"I know it's probably a little short notice, but wouldn't you like to go to the Christmas party with me at the gift shop tonight? This is going to be fun!"

What?! Oh no, definitely not!!! Not after everything we've put together!

"No, let's go," I reply in a decidedly casual manner so that this toad doesn't become suspicious.

"Certainly not? I know breaking up with Crow must have really hurt, but I found out he's not coming tonight. There are a lot of other nice people there for that. Isn't that better than sitting at home alone?"

OK, now she's really getting on my nerves!

"I already have plans."

"OK..." comes from the other line, unconvinced. "Still, you know, if you ever need someone to talk to, you can call me at any time."

It's high time to turn this tables around!

"Doesn't a certain Max Lightning also happen to be attending this oh-so-fun party?" I ask, enjoying the stammering that follows with satisfaction.

"Um...eh...yeah...well anyway, I don't see why she shouldn't go. Unless, of course, she said something! Did she say something?!"

"Oh no. I just thought maybe you two would go together." I say as casually as possible, a satisfied grin forming on my face.

"Me and Max? At a party? In pretty clothes? D-drunk?!"

Yep Bitch- er, Bee, that's exactly what's going to happen!

"Am, uh, vi-maybe I shouldn't..."

"Nothing, sweet Bine, you go there and have fun! Do for me." If you really want to help me!

"Oh ok! I do it! Maybe I'd better wear the yellow dress..."

"As long as you leave the helmet off," I giggle smugly, but my laughter dies the second I hang up. Instead, my eyes glaze over.

Shit. For real now?!

The first tear doesn't take long to appear and soon it streams down my cheeks. Completely shocked, I sit motionless for a while.

Just why? And why now? I'm not interested in Bea, nor do I have anything against her being happy. Damn, Abs, Col and I have been working on this for weeks now. And today is the day! So why?

Black feathers. That piercing look.

You cannot be serious!

Relax babe, it's not that dangerous.

The roar of the motorcycle.

Are you crazy?! You almost killed us, you bum!

What about you? Take it easy, at least the noise woke up Mr. Sandmann.

His daring nature and cheeky beak.

Everything OK?



YES, REALLY! Stop asking me stupid questions!

Hey, easy! Just wanted to know how you're doing, babe.


Hey babe, I...

Leave me alone.

I'm already gone.

Just why...

Where have you been?

With the boys, why?

We had a gang meeting.

Bull and I have already...

And me?

You didn't want me to stay!

... do I always say the opposite...

Where are you going?

To school. Hour starts soon.

But the gang...

Bibi, I can't constantly play truant just for you. You go to school too and I'm not complaining.


Unlike you, I mean it when I say I want to be a Brawler!

What does this mean? I am serious!

Then stop acting like a silly child!

... of what I actually want.



Things with us... things with us just don't work the way they should anymore...


And I think it would be better if we maybe...

Break up? Just say it instead of babbling stupidly, you bird!

I'm not stammering! But it's over Bibi... I'm sorry.


My eyes slowly calm down again. I must have sat in silence for at least five minutes while waterfalls poured out of them. I'll have to call the girls. Feeling slightly dazed, I get up and go to the bathroom to check my face.

You don't have to be sorry, Crow.

After several hands of water, a concealer, and some mascara, I pull out my phone again. Abs and Col should know that I shouldn't meet Bea later.

I am sorry.

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