21. Edgar

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It's depressing when you stare at the starry sky and become painfully aware of how small and insignificant you actually are.

On the other hand, sooner or later these small, insignificant beings will manage to destroy their own planet. Completely without the help of any asteroid or the sun's supernova.

At the same time, there is something satisfying about looking at the many distant points of light, ninety-five percent of which are satellites. You feel free when you can investigate endless expanses. You are no longer confined, you have space, you have room to breathe again.

With the monotony and indifference of a cheap plastic garden statue, I sit on the very edge of the railing. Amber's loud music is just a dull murmur here, the only bright lights are the neon-coloured advertising signs outside the wall that surrounds Star Park. It's wonderfully lonely and isolated up here - I should come here more often.

The last time I was here was the night of Lola's lavish, lurid movie premiere party at the Gift Shop. Ironic. Back then I also fled from the noise and the oppressive happiness of the people... and then too Colette sat next to me.

I look at her. Her eyes are still on the stars. She has transformed back and is dangling her legs. Individual strands have come loose from her hair knot and, as always, cover one of her eyes. She smiles.

I gently put my arm around her and pull her closer to me. She silently places her head on my shoulder and her hand on my knee, while her eyes are still fixed on the sky.

But she can't fool me. I can feel how fast her heart is pumping in her carotid artery, and this girl turns into a tomato in three seconds. In fact, I don't even need to look at her anymore to realize that I have her complete attention.

Colette is strange. And so unfathomably sweet.

A loud vibration startles me. It takes me a moment to realize that this time it wasn't Colette's microphone, but my cell phone. I usually have all channels muted except for Griff, my boss, Colette, my girlfriend, Bull, my dad, and...

I quickly dig it out and look at the news channel. Actually!

"Hm?", my devil looks at me questioningly.

"Guess who can turn into a snake from now on," I grin at her and show her the message.

"What really?! The update isn't out yet!!! The Brawl Talk was just a moment ago! It's unbelievable how fast they are this time! Have you already made all the settings? Is this really the last activation code for your scarf?! That is so cool! Incredible! Incomprehensible! U.N-"

Rolling my eyes, I put a finger on Col's lips and fished my phone back. The ways in which we Brawlers acquire new skins are extremely varied and varied. Some expose themselves to poisons, radiation or Rosa's plants, others let Byron experiment on them, others fall victim to a curse, a failed experiment, or a jewel explosion. Some actual tailor their skins, which you can then wear like normal clothing. In my opinion, a very clever idea that is worth considering before jumping into a tank of Byron the old goat's beard.

Well, that was inevitable with Colette's Trixie skin, as it was genetically predisposed, so to speak. And in my case, I also endured a few experiments in which I was even briefly sucked into a video game! All I need now to transform into Orochi is this special activation code, which I just received on my cell phone.

"When are you going to try it out? When are you going to try it???"

I'm just about to answer her when screams come up to us. Panicked screams! We quickly run to the roof hatch, wind our way through the attic and, after another two flights of stairs and hatches, we reach the upper railing of the sales room, out of breath.


The hall is on fire! Flames rise everywhere. The paper decoration lights up, smoke rises and forms treacherous clouds on the ceiling.

We must do something quickly, otherwise the whole place will burn down! I can already see Griff falling dead in horror.

"How about right now?" I say coolly, activate the code and jump over the railing into the depths.

Three devilish angels on questWhere stories live. Discover now