12. Bibi

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Man, that is so humiliating and degrading!

Hands down the worst thing I've ever done. But did I have a choice? Since I was forbidden from immobilizing the beauty queen with Mr. Bat, I was forced to take her to the dance floor. Luckily, a simple grab for her hand and a casual "Do you want to dance?" was enough and now we are here, hugging each other tightly! To make matters worse, the girl is probably 10 centimetres taller than me!

Long blonde hair, blue eyes, slim as a Barbie doll and a smile so adorable it makes me sick. To make things worse, she also smells like chocolate muffins and icing!

Hopefully this damn mission will be over soon...

I'm here to unite Max and Bea so that I can believe in love again. I'm not a silly child! But I'm not an actor in a Barbie movie either!

"Bibi? Can you see the lightning and the bee? And what about Col and your brother? Have you already taken up your post?"

I unobtrusively let my microphone buzz four times. I can't speak now!

From the corner of my eye, I can see the bee and the lightning, shadows dancing diagonally above them in the light. I strain my eyes to see my brother and Colette.

Why couldn't it have been another robot or an El Primo fan who wanted to question Bea? I could have gotten him away quietly without having to dance now. I generally don't like dancing! Dancing, singing, walking around in fancy dresses, smiling at everyone... Am I Cinderella or what?

But for the beauty that I was able to get out of the way just in time, the title would certainly be appropriate. She dances elegantly across the package with me, each of her delicate steps perfectly in place. I notice Amber turning up the music. Over there, Max is leading Bea while they chat about incomprehensible stuff... who is leading us by the way?

The shadows are now over our targets, and I see Ed and Col spinning above their heads. Didn't Colette want to take a stand at the tables? And since when has my brother been dancing?! I'm starting to doubt whether the relationship between the two is that good...

At the moment it looks more like the blonde is leading me. Suddenly I notice that almost all the headlights are pink, so the plan is working. At least something goes right... The smell of muffins clouds my nose again and I groan. If anyone is leading here, it's me! Size difference or not!

I energetically tighten my grip on the doll and twirl her through the many comfortably dancing snoring noses. Little Lightning and Little Bee smile dreamily at each other. Good thing, the effort is worth it. Finally, while dancing, I reach a place from which I have a better view.

Yep. That's definitely my brother and the devil of the gift shop up there!

OK Bibi, be careful. Bea must not see you! Not under any circumstances!!! Otherwise –

"Amber, Bibi! You won't believe that! Max just indirectly confessed to Bea that she likes her! Or was it the other way around? I have no idea, but they said it, both of them!!!"

"Yes! Let's fucking gooooooooo!"

"Not so loud Abs, otherwise you'll really be heard through the speakers."

"Sorry Ed. How are you, Bibi? Everything OK?"


But it's hard for me to broadcast this without giving an explanation.

So, I let my dance partner sink down slightly so that I can make one single noise for yes without being noticed before I slowly pull her up again. The thing is outrageously light.

"By the way, your dancing is great, sis."

Annoyed, I send a death glare to the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" the blonde asks me.

"Yes," I answer briefly.

"I'm Piper."


Three devilish angels on questOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora