when you do the triangle trick

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So, this scenario is about when you randomly do the triangle trick to the characters. To those who don't know what in ten world is the triangle trick, you can search about it on google I guess..? Let's just skip to the point~


Ali: Blushes and asked why'd you did that

Khai: Surprised and corrects his specs (he's not sure if he saw it right..)

Bulat: Immediately make some desert for you

Sam: Winks (...)

Jet: Shocked and almost cried (He didn't believe you actually did that)

Chris: Blur-ed at first but then realises and starts blushing

Rudy: Blushes and looks away

Zass: Blinks his eyes 3 times (He's confused) and fainted (Too much information for him)

Aleks: Confused and google it (and
blushes so much that he almost had a fever)

Seis: Raised one of his eyebrows and asked you what you want (He's trying to hide his blush)


Me: Okay, this is one is cliche but it's because I don't have any ideas.. *sigh btw, tysm and happy reading !! :DD

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