when you're stuck in a locker with them

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So, this scenario is requested by Adriana_Adrianx (Tysm 🌹✨) Let's start !


Ali: Blushes but doesn't show any signs to escape

Khai: Doesn't do anything (he wants to keep you close)

Bulat: Thought of it as a prank and escape immediately to find the culprit

Sam: Think of it as a chance, so..

Jet: Surprisingly freezes and don't know what to do

Chris: Blushes + Looks away

Rudy: Tries to keep calm 'cause you guys ended up in a best position

Zass: Sits silently and tries to calm you down

Aleks: You guys had no personal space. AT ALL

Seis: Took the opportunity obviously

Siete: Flirts with you in a middle of the awkwardness


Me: And, done ! Thanks for your request, Adriana_Adrianx ! Also, tysm and happy reading 🦋✨

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