when they face betrayal

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So, this scenario is about when the characters get betrayed by someone they are close to. This scenario is requested by sapphire664 (Tysm 🌸)


Ali: had mixed feelings (anger + sad)

Khai: Wanted a revenge but didn't did it as he thought it's just a waste of time

Bulat: speechless and sad for a few days

Sam: He silent himself for a few weeks to process what happened

Jet: Doesn't feel angry or sad that much (he says that person wasted his precious time)

Chris: Is a little but mad but somehow moves on quite fast

Rudy: In short, he had revenge by using his own rule

Zass: Locked himself in his room and doesn't come out for days (luckily, he survived)

Aleks: Stays calm even though he's mad and sad inside

Seis: Had revenge (let's just hope he doesn't do any crime)


Me: The end ! Tysm sapphire664 for your request 🦋✨ And also, tysm and happy reading <33

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