when someone they are close to dies

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So, this scenario is about when the someone the characters are close to dies. And also this scenario is requested by sapphire664 (Tysm 🦋✨)


Ali: Cries a lot like how he cried when his mother died (╥﹏╥)

Khai: He doesn't attend the academy for some days

Bulat: Doesn't want to see anybody at the moment but eventually calms down even though he's still sad

Sam: He went back to Britain for a few weeks and came back looking fine
P/s: Only Aleks knows his real feelings

Jet: This is the first time he's not being annoying for like a few days. Chris and the others are there for him (🤍)

Chris: He doesn't attend both the academy and school for days but he's fine don't worry ^^

Rudy: Looks like doesn't care but had a depression inside

Zass: Doesn't tell his friends about it (He doesn't want his friends to be sad)

Aleks: He doesn't look like he's bothered by it but only Sam knows his true feelings (their friendship 🥺🤍)

Seis: He's sad but accepts it and actually attends the funeral secretly. (Nobody's gonna know)


Me: The end ! This is so sad (T^T) Even so, we can see that the characters are strong enough to face it ^^ Also, Tysm sapphire664 for requesting ! Lastly tysm and happy reading <33

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