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Buck's point of view


Three weeks later.

I walk in to the station to go to work again, I don't really care for the firefighter gig as much as I thought I did. I like being one but I hate it at the same time, I mean I have been yelled at on every single shift for something so small. I am just ugh I lost my spark.

The day goes on when we get a call, there a person who needs medical attention, but Lapd won't freaking hurry up and secure the scene. "Cap that women is going to bleed out if we don't get to her!" I yell out at him out of anger, I am pacing back and forth trying to keep the SEAL brain away from me. "We can't Buck, there is 7 other people in that room and we don't want more injuries."

"Then give me a gun and a vest, I can get them Cap, we can't just let somebody die because their negotiating!" I say as Eddie tries to protest with me while I ignore him and talk to Bobby. "You are not a cop, you are not a SEAL out here Buck we will get her out."

I drop it, pray that they hurry up and I get more and more antsy as the time passes, the Lapd finally clear the scene 20 minutes later and we run in to the room. There was a 26 year old pregnant gunshot victim as I feel my blood boil as she is pronounced DOA. "Fucking hell, this isn't how it needed to fucking go." I curse under my breath in Arabic being the only one to speak it I get weird looks. 

"Buck calm down we lose people sometime that's the job." Bobby tries to calm me down, the difference between the SEALS and the Lafd we lose innocent people on the weekly. The SEALS rarely lose targets, we might lose enemies but that is different. I start to try and calm my self down as I am being told 'we lose people' I yell out in the team face. "I quit, I am done I could have saved her. I am done just fucking done." I say taking my fire jacket off and throwing it on the ground along with the Lafd boots.  

"Buck what are you doing, you can't quit you love this job." Hen yells out while I start walking off I yell back. "No I never loved this job, I tolerated this stupid job, that women was innocent, now her and her child is dead, while that piece of shit is still alive! I can quit because I just did, the letter will be on your desk Bobby I'm done!"

I walk all the way to the station, once I get there I make a quick phone call to get my old job back. "Hey is that offer still open for me." I ask calling my old boss sitting on the bench packing my bags. "Yes it is Officer Buckley, does that mean you want back?" He asks me as I take one extra second to think about it. "Yes I do, but only if you promise I'm back with the unit I was in before." I say not giving a crap about what people around me will think anymore. "Yes that is perfectly fine you can start next month, your unit is staying in La for now."

"Perfect I will come to the base this weekend to fill out some paper work." I tell him finishing up the phone call and getting changed into my civilian clothes and putting my dog tags back on. They pull into the station as I am filling out my letter to quit, when I start getting hounded. 

"Your not quitting Buck, we won't let you what would you do for work." Bobby asks as I clinch my jaw trying to keep calm. "I quit Bobby, I hate this job, t-this job that saves criminals and lets victims die to save a criminal is not what I signed up for. I am going back to the SEALS, permanently I already made the call and took the deal they gave me." I growl at them deepening my voice getting scared looks from everyone in the room. "You did what Evan!" Eddie yells at me setting his phone down and walking up to me trying to grab the page. 

"I went back to the job that gives me the most happiness, I always loved being a SEAL I loved the thrill of the gunfire and the goofing off on the down time. In a way you guys couldn't understand I tried to show you who I am, what my identity is, you couldn't understand it. Scar, Bullet, Blaze, Ma, and Pa, they understand me and what I feel. You guys don't, I love you guys and we are still family but you will never know who I am." My voice cracking towards the end as Eddie yells out to me.

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