[☀︎] - It's not that deep

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MY LITTLE COOCHIE LIPS 😻✨ i'm sorry the first chapter was a little boring but I promise it gets better from the second chapter on, n e wayz enjoy 😀😀
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Gon observed the raindrops cascading onto the campus grounds, finding solace in the rhythmic pattern against the windows. He closed his eyes, a serene expression forming on his lips. While most people detested stormy days, Gon couldn't fathom why.

For him, rain was a source of relaxation. He enjoyed being in bed, engrossed in his work, while simultaneously gazing outside to witness the world glistening under the rain's touch. Lost in his thoughts, Gon's reverie was interrupted when he noticed Killua taking a seat beside him.

"Mornin'," Gon greeted monotonously, his attention still fixated on the window.

"Oh, so now you decide to talk to me," Killua retorted, crossing his arms and settling down.

Gon was slightly taken aback by the response, "All I said was 'morning', that's hardly considered talking."

Killua shrugged nonchalantly, "Still."

Gon couldn't help but sense a hint of bitterness in Killua's tone, "If I didn't know any better, it seems like you're a bit salty about something."

Killua chuckled, denying any claims of being salty, "Nah, I'm never salty. But I was in a bad mood yesterday."

Curiosity piqued, Gon raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Nunya," Killua replied cryptically.

Gon nodded, respecting Killua's privacy. "Alright then."

Despite the tension, Killua made a surprising offer, "But I'll help with the project."

"Alright." Gon said this while pointing to the sketch,Killua watched as Gon subconsciously scooted his chair closer.

Killua was immediately struck by the aroma emanating from Gon. It was unlike anything he had ever smelled before, with a natural sweetness that reminded him of freshly baked muffins.

It was a refreshing change from the overpowering scents of perfume and cologne that most people wore.

Killua licked his lips, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity, delicately scanning Gon's every move as he talked. He was attractive, yes, but there was also something adorable about him.

"Killua." Gon says, softly.

As Gon spoke, Killua couldn't help but be captivated by his every move. He found himself staring at Gon's lips, the pink tint drawing him in. The emotions flooding through him were overwhelming, and he swallowed hard, trying to regain his composure.

"Are you listening...?" Gon awkwardly states, not knowing what was going on.

Suddenly, the bell rang, and Killua was jolted back to reality. He coughed awkwardly, realizing that the class was over and everyone was packing up. He felt a strange sense of disappointment, unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

Gon let out a sigh of frustration as he distanced himself from the boy. "We'll talk more tomorrow," he muttered under his breath, feeling a mix of annoyance.

However, before he could fully walk away, Killua swiftly grabbed hold of Gon's forearm, causing him to gasp in surprise.

The touch sent shivers down Gon's spine, as if an icy coldness had enveloped his entire body.

"I have a bad habit of being late to the first class," Killua explained, shrugging nonchalantly; Gon tilted his head, not quite understanding the relevance of this statement.

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