Sexy Sadie

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It was Tuesday morning and I met Abby at the bus stop as usual. 

"Morning you" she said, smiling. 

"Morning yourself" I answered, linking arms with her. "Double history today then?" 

 Abby and I had practically memorised each other's timetables, as well as our own. 

"Uggh don't remind me!" She groaned, as the creaky old bus pulled up beside us. We got on, lugging our heavy school bags behind us. 

Just as we were about to make our way to the back of the bus to take our usual seats something I saw stopped me from taking a step further. I quickly pulled Abby by the arm into a seat on my right.

"Michelle! What is it?!" She said, looking at me. 

"Don't look now but is that George at the back of the bus kissing a girl?" 

"Where?" she said, spinning around in her seat. 

"I said don't look!" 

"Ohhhhhh" she groaned, turning back again.

I waited about ten seconds then dared myself to look again. Sure enough, it was George, locking lips with a girl I'd never seen before, but judging from her uniform it didn't look like she went to our school. 

"It is George" I hissed to Abby. 

"What's he doing here?" 

"I dunno" I shrugged. "Looks like he's got himself a new girlfriend." 

"Oh" Abby said plainly. 

I couldn't help but get the impression that Abby was a little annoyed? No jealous? Yes, maybe jealous, that George was with a new girl. I knew that George was entitled to date whomever he pleased but perhaps Abby wasn't ready to see him with someone yet? I mean they did have brief feelings for one another once upon a time. It must have been hard for George I thought, to see one of your best mates dating the girl you liked, for them to always be around - and together. Perhaps that had been why he disappeared for a little while, to get over his feelings for Abby, and in a way I didn't blame him for it. But recently, George had been hanging out with all of us again and we got on with him, he was friends with John and Paul so he was friends with us. 

"That's fine" Abby said in a disinterested tone, interrupting my thoughts. 

"I guess we'll meet her soon enough" I mused. 

Abby simply nodded then we changed the subject for the rest of the bus ride though I still suspected that Abby's mind was on George. 

The rest of the day dragged on as school has a habit of making six hours feel a lot longer than it is, and when I met Abby at our lockers after the final bell had gone it seemed she had forgotten all about what we had seen on the bus this morning. 

"Hey why don't we go to the Casbah eh?" Abby suggested as we made our way through the yard and out the school gates. 

"Alright then" I agreed. 

As we opened the door to the Casbah I immediately scanned the room in case the boys were there. 

"There they are" Abby pointed out and we walked over to the table. Paul was sitting on one side of the table, John and his friend Pete Shotton on the other. 

"Afternoon" Abby said, taking a seat the other side of John who turned and said "give us a kiss". 

"Hi darlin'" Paul said, standing up and pulling up a chair for me.

I sat down "Thanks" and he smiled at me. 

"Hey have you heard, Georgie's got himself a bird."

I shot Abby a look and she caught it. 

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