Chapter 1 - Worrying Tiger

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As it was well know, Akutagawa had a disease that was slowly killing him, affecting his lungs.

He had turned human after the vampire incident, though even then, his illness came back harder than ever. Gin would have to help him while he coughed up blood, knowing his days were drawing near.

Atsushi, of course, knew this even though he wasn't told, clearly worried for his companion. His worry was immense, like it was Neverending. He shook his head, sat in front of his desk at work when everything was cleaned up around Yokohama. His mind kept drifting to Akutagawa.

Dazai noticed this quite soon and placed his hand on Atsushi's shoulder, acting like the vampire invasion never happened. "Atsushi!" He smirked. "I haven't seen you this distracted!"

"Dazai-san!" Atsushi exclaimed in surprise from the sudden touch. He looked at Dazai. "I..." He didn't know whether to ask or not. To ask if Akutagawa would be okay. I mean, Dazai did beat Akutagawa years ago, but he must know something, right?

"Akutagawa... I haven't seen him since before I woke up near Ranpo. What happened to him?" Atsushi's worry was shown clear through his voice.

Dazai recognized the worry and became more serious. "I'm not exactly sure. I could ask Chuuya if he knew, but I'm sure I'll get nothing in return, no matter if we worked together or not," He pouted.

"Do you think something happened?" Atsushi asked out loud. Dazai shrugged. "Either way, the Mafia and Agency will be having a meet-up very soon. So I guess then is when we'll find out."

Atsushi nodded as he looked away from the older man. "Y-yeah. Right..."

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