Chapter 4 - Three Days Left

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It was the next day

Only three days left, Atsushi thought, Only three days left with hin before he'd gone.

He still couldn't believe that Akutagawa, a man that tried to kill him, and a man he fell in love with, was going to die in just three days. And that he wanted to spend the days with him, out of all people. Not even his sister or his beloved mentor. Atsushi.

Atsushi had stayed awake most of the night, being woken by a shout Akutagawa made that he couldn't make out. He groaned as he sat up, just to see Akutagawa in his jacket. "Let's go already, were-tiger!" His voice sounded hoarse.

"Hnm?" Atsushi hummed groggily, still unable to realize that Akutagawa was speaking clear words.

"We are going for a walk today. I will not spend the rest of my life in here, as it already needs cleaned and I wish not to do it," Akutagawa sighed.


Atsushi and Akutagawa wandered the city, mostly in silence. Akutagawa was slightly more relaxed than at the apartment. A couple of droplets of rain fell onto them.

Atsushi looked up at the sky. "We should take shelter so we don't get wet," He spoke calmly.

"I won't let that ruin the day," Akutagawa glared at Atsushi before looking away as he coughed up blood. The blood was in clots. "Rashōmon." With a simple word, a tendril came out of his jacket and formed into an umbrella.

Atsushi was slightly surprised by how Akutagawa had made them an umbrella as they kept walking.

It didn't take long for the rain to pick up, them eventually taking shelter inside of a Cafe.

"What do you want to do on your last days?" Atsushi asked as they stood in line.


"Like, what was some things you wanted to complete?"

Akutagawa was silent a moment before he looked away. "Fireworks. I wish to see fireworks, but the smoke always made it hard for me to breathe. If its already my time, then I'd like to see them one time."

Atsushi nodded, happy to know that his request didn't have anything to do with violence. "Then in two days. I'll make sure that we get to see fireworks." He smiled kindly. "I promise you that."

Akutagawa nodded simply, his shoulders slumped down. He coughed into his hand. "You better keep your promise..."

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