Chapter one --- Lost the ability to love years ago.

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Husk chugged his cheap booze, sitting at the front desk/bar that Alastor had forced him to run.
Vaggie, the "princess of Hell"s girlfriend, was rambling on about how they shouldnt have a bar, or any alchohol in general at the shitty- I mean, Happy Hotel.

A certain white and pink spider had a run up to tackle her, "Shut up! SHUT UP! We are keeping this." He pointed to the bar.

"Hey~" The spider demon said in a flirty tone while batting his eyes at Husk.
"Go fuck yourself." Husk said, trying to ignore Angel Dust.
"Only if you WATCH ME." The slutty spider carresed Husks face for a second. Husk felt his face heat up, but smacked Angel away.

"Oh my god. You are going to LOVE it here!" Charlie, the "princess of Hell" interrupted.

Husk rolled his eyes and took a swig of his newly aquired cheap booze.
"I lost the ability to love years ago." Husk stated blankly.

The rest of the night was quiet a blur. Thats what alchohol does to you, I guess.
It felt like some sort of weird fever dream. Some sort of musical number? Like a strange, colourful, mentally draining nightmare.

But that spider demon. That stupid spider demon. He reminded Husk of someone. Someone he lost long ago. That stupid fucking slutty spider-


He made Husk think of someone he wanted to forget.


Why did he feel like he knew him?


Angel was acting in his usual, flirty persona.

Thats just how he was.

Every man he saw, he flirted with.

Huh. Why did it feel different with that cat demon? Husker, is what Alastor said his name was.

After the crazy night, with ... some sort of musical number from that radio demon?
Angel wasnt into politics, he didnt really know.

Charlie assigned the new guests/workers at the hotel their rooms, and everyone turned in for the night.

Angel sighed as he entered his room, greeted by his pet hellpig Fat Nuggets. He put the cigarette out and climbed into his bed.

A picture of Valentino flashed in his mind-
"...nonononono- dont fuckin-" Angel muttered as he buried his face into the pillow and started silently sobbing. He didnt want to think of Val. He didnt want to think of anything right now. He wanted to go to sleep.

He softly sobbed, Fat Nuggets trying to comfort him. Fat Nuggets didnt understand what was happening, all he knew was that Angel was sad, and it was his job to make it better.


The walls of the hotel were thin, and Husks room was right next to Angels. He heard the crying. He didnt judge. Everyone cries themselves to sleep.


Husk sighed and took another swig of his cheap booze, sitting in his bed. He listened to the soft cries of his neighbor.
Why would that slut be so flirty, and then 30 minutes later crying?

Husk didnt know. He'll probably never know.

Reunited? --- HuskerDust shipficWhere stories live. Discover now