Chapter 5 --- Danny And Tony.

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FLASHBACK CHAPTER! Yeah this is shit and makes no sense but yall love it, and I shall provide!

HC: Husks human name was Daniel. (Angels human name is canonically Anthony, nicknamed Tony by Arackniss.)


They were always together. Being in the mafia, Anthony didnt have many friends. Not many oppurtunities to make friends.
But, one night, the family was at a casino. Children included.

Molly and Anthony ran around playing tag until their older brother took Molly back to the table and scolded her for being "un-ladylike".
Anthony sighed and sat down on the floor near the bar, bored and alone. Until a boy around his age sat next to him.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" The boy asked. Anthony nodded.

The boy grabbed a drck of cards from his pocket and clumsily tried to preform a minituare magic show. Anthony laughed at his attempts of the card trick.

"Goddammit..." The boy mutteted before putting his cards back into his pocket. "Anyways, whats your name? Im Daniel."

"Anthony..." Anthony replied with a shy face.

"Wanna be friends? Im Daniel- but ya can call me whatever."


And so that little friendship began. They'd share everything. Complicated emotions.
They were even friends during their teens.

This particular night, the mafia family was back at the casino. Molly wasnt allowed to come as it was too dangerous.

Anthony sat boredly at the table, watching his father gamble and threaten anyone who apposed him.
Until the son of the casino owner leaned over to Anthony.

"Hey, want to come up to the bar? I figured out how to get back there and open the liquor cabinet." Daniel whispered.

Anthony nodded and Daniel took his hand and leaded the taller boy over to the bar.

Jonathon(Arackniss) watched.
"Theyre inseberable, Danny and Tony." He muttered to his father.
His father was too focused on his bets to listen, as always.

Daniel and Anthony got towards the bar and managed to sneak a bottle of vodka, Anthony hid it in his coat, and they ran over to the back of the casino giggling.

"Cant believe we found it." Daniel said while opening the booze bottle.
Anthony laughed and nodded.

They took turns taking sips out of the bottle until it was empty. This being both of their first times being drunk, they didnt know how to deal with it.

They slumped against the wall together, and Anthony slowly turned to Daniel.

"Is it weird to like boys how ya like girls?" Anthony asked, his voice slurring.

"Why would that be weird?"
Daniel said with a raised eyebrow.

"My mom said its weird."


They eventually figured it out, even if it took some time.
They knew they were something. Something more than friends.

Something 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚..



Now yall have something to feast on until I get more ideas :3

I'll try update this over the weekend.


(Sorry its short ;-;)

(Why does more not feel like a word anymore-

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