The Past

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The 25 year old Sonic was walking around the forest to find a good spot to just relax. He didn't have to worry about Eggman anymore because... lets just say that something went wrong about his plan to kill him. Anyway Sonic was all alone having the area to himself. He found a good spot and sat down infront of a tree and admired the beauty of the forest,but then something fell softly on his head. The hero carefully took whatever was on his head off to find a beautiful purple flower in his hand. Sonic smiled at the flowers beauty, but then faded away for all the horrible memories started to come back to him.

( Classic Sonic's POV)

Everyone was running for their lives. Women screaming, Men protecting their families, and Children crying for their parents. Rhe vampire king known as Mephiles commanded for the towns people to give him their blood so that he could live. The towns people said no and because of this Mephiles and his soldier's attacked the town and killed everyone besides the very few people who managed to escape. My mom and I were running for our lives. I was only 10 years old and the fastest thing alive. Mephiles was chasing us because he wanted revenge from my dad because my dad killed his wife so Mephiles told my dad that he was going to kill all of us, my mom,my dad, and me. My mom stopped running and looked me in the eye's " Sonic my dear son run,run as fast as ever and don't look back" I knew that she was going to die because she was crying. She hugged me and kissed me goodbye forever. I was crying too and ahe said " Even though I won't be with in person i will always be with you in spirit". Mephiles grabbed my mom" RUN SONIC I LOVE YOU". I said I love you #1 mom and ran. I looked back and I saw Mephiles was drinking her blood and she fell lifeless. Then i ran and I heard Mephiles yelling" I WILL FIND YOU SONIC THE HEDGEHOG AND I WILL FINISH YOU AND YOUR THE LAST ONE IN YOUR FAMILY THATS ALIVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH". Then I ran faster and faster and far far away while I cried.

( Present)

Sonic was crying from the memories and then his ear twitched from hearing something crack from behind a bush. Sonic stood up " Whos there" then a cloth covered his mouth and nose and got dizzy and was knocked out cold.

(??? POV)

I looked at the beautiful blue hedgehog that my king ordered me to capture and placed him on the kings bed. I looked at the king "When he wakes up tell him to get washed up and come see me" i bowed my head" Yes my lord". Tbe king walked out of his room and i waited for the beauty to wake up.

(Sonics POV)

I woke up with a headach. I sat up and held my head it killed. I looked around to see that i was in a room that seemed to be all red with black streaks here and there. I was on a king sized bed that was all red. I started to look around again " Hello there you seem to have awoken from your sleep". I jumped and saw a white hedgehog standing infront of me," Where am i " i asked him. He put down some stuff on the bed " You are in the kings room but you must go clean up the king wants to see you right away". I shook my head and headed for the bathroom.

(??? POV)

I was siting on my thron of Darkness and was waiting for something exciting to come to kill. I am the king of Darkness Vampires and i enjoy peoples screaming for mercy. I was about to takea sip of blood my favorite drink until i was rudly interrupted, " king Mephiles my lord one of the vampires saw Sonic the hedgehog in the forest and get taking away from king Shadow and Silver, Sonic is now able to get what he deserves from you ". I was happy ,after all these years i am finally now able to kill the fastest thing alive."Good track him down and get my cape ready for me,i am going to have a visit with my brother". I laughed a murderous laugh and walked to my room to get ready to pay Sonic and Shadow a little visit.

(Sonics POV)

I was done with my hot shower and went to go see the king. I walked into this area that looked like a wedding walk way and i saw a hedgehog that was all black with red streakshere and there and most of all he was SEXY wait what am i thinking im not gay. The king looked at me " Go on walk to me and sit on my lap" i blushed by this and and walked over to him and sat on his lapwhile he was asking me a couple of questions " What is your name" ," Sonic the Hedgehog ", " Where are you from","Mobius"," How old are you","25 years old" The king nodded his head. " Why where you in thr foresf by yourself Sonic" i looked him in the eyes " I just wanted to get away from all my friends and just relax" He looked at me seriously " You cant be out by yourself anymore Sonic its dangerous " i tilted my head in confusion "Why". Then the doors swung open and revealed a familiar hedgehog " I'M BACK" The king pointed at the hedgehog "Thats why". The hedgehog was walking to us "Its nice to see you Shadow and Sonic its been a long time" i realized who this hedgehog was in seconds just by his voice, it was Mephiles. I leaned more into Shadow and he stood up placing me on his chair and walked down the three steps and stared at Mephiles  " What do you want Brother" BROTHER !? MEPHILES WAS SHADOWS BROTHER well no wonder why they look alike. " I cant give my little brother and my friend a hello visit that is just so mean" he was getting closer " I want you to leave NOW" not until i get what i came her for, he looked  at me in the eyes and my eyes widened with fear in them " Yes Sonic i didn't forget about you over the years oh no no no, i will always remember you and your family"  Shadow was confused until he finally got what Mephiles was talking about " Yes Brother HIS father was the one to kill my WIFE so now he will PAY after ALL THESE YEARS OF SEARCHING my search for the last survivor in his family is over" he ran to us and pushed Shadow out of the way but before Mephiles could touch me Shadow grabbed his legs and spun around and let go making his sibling fly to the doors of the castle. Mephiles got up and became liquid and traveled his way to me again and Shadow blasted the liquid which hurt Mephiles making him turn back to his regular form again and hissing in pain. " If i can'tget around you Shadow then im gonna have to fight you to get to my prize" with that said they started fighting. Mephiles would throw a punch and Shadow would dodge it while throwing a kick and he would dodge it but they would get their targets most of the time during the fight. They were going fast but i could still see their every move since im really fast i can see things that are going really fast. I watched from the chair i wanted to help but this was Shadows fight and he could not interfere. Shadow threw a kick but Mephiles caught his leg and pulled away making Shadow fall to the ground and Shadow chaos blasted his brothers arm making him let go it was little so he would blast his brothers arm of. Mephiles grabbed his arm and hissed in pain he looked at me and smirked making me panic but i stood up and fell into a fighting  stance. Mephiles chuckled a little and ran to me but was pulled back by Shadow and was thrown to the ground. He stood up and smirked by forgetting something. He used his dark powers to make a him teleport to Shadows side and when Shadow turned to face him Mephiles kicked Shadow in the stomach making him fly to the wall and he hit the wall with a bang and fell to the ground,he was panting from the impact that made him lose all his breath. Mephiles walked over to Shadow who was still on all fours trying to catch his breath which gave him enough time to do something. Mephiles held up is hand and sucked all of Shadows energy out of him which lasted for a couple of hours before his energy returned back to him. Shadow fell from the lack of energy that he had and tried to get up put had no strength to do so at this point. Mephiles looked at me and smirked, it was my turn to fight now, i stood in a fighting stance and got ready for him to attack. He ran at me but i moved out of the way and grabbed his arm and i started spinning around real fast and let go. He flew like a shooting star and crashed into the wall and slide down to the floor.He got up and turned into liquid " Shit" i whispered and moved out of the way when he got close to me. I looked around on the floor and i could not find him, i was scared. I was desperately looking now until i felt a pair of arms wrap around me and i slipped down to my knees and crawled away and stood up looking at Mephiles, that was my way of getting out of someones grasp because its unexpected to them at all. I ran to him and threw punches at him and i kept getting my target because i was faster than him by a long shot,and then he tripped me and before I could get up he hit me on the head and i saw darkness

(Shadows POV)

I was to weak to get up and fight fuck my brother was walking to Sonic and i desperately tried to get up but i couldn't i had no strength left in me. Sonic was taking care of himself for now and i stopped worrying as much as i did he could possibly win he was smart and really fast,hes faster then me and Mephiles combined. I put my head down for a little bit until i heard Sonic whisper Shit. I looked up and saw that my brother wasn'tin his normal form Shit was right he was in his liquid form and onlg i know how to fight him during that form. Sonic kept moving away when my brother was close to him. Then my brother flew up when sonic wasn't looking and Sonic was desperately looking for him now,my brother flew down behind Sonic and wrapped his arms around him. Sonic slipped down to his knees and crawled awayfrom Mephiles and stood up looking at Mephiles, clever hedgehog. Sonic then threw punches at Mephiles and kept getting him because he was really hard to keep up with. My brother then tripped Sonic to the ground and i started to panic, i was now really trying to get up. Before Sonic even had the chance to get up, my brother hit Sonic on the head and it was hard too so obviously Sonic was going to pass out. Sonic fell to the ground and he was passed out but  My brother started to laugh and i was starting to think thag he actually mighg have killed him. " I- Is he" Mephiles looked at me with the blue hedgehog in his arms " No i didn't kill him he just passed out thats all Shadow" i tried to stand up but failed " Your not taking Sonic" he was at the doors "Oh Really, Watch me then" and with that he walked out of my castle with the doors closing behind him. I had to get up, i felt sleep creeping over me and i couldn't fight it, it was the only way to regain my energy faster. I closed my eyes Dont worry Sonic I will save you from my brother ill protect you. With that said i fell asleep.

Sorry guys that its sort i will be continuing this book and i hope that you guys enjoyed it and please leave a like and vote or whatever but i would appreciate it from you guys so yeah i really hope that you guys enjoyed this book and i will be working on part two Later guys!!!

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