The impressive code

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( Shadows POV)

I teleported in front of the gates of Mephiles castle. I lifted my hand up to the gate "Chaos" i could sense the small ball of power thag i had made in my hand "BLAST" and i shot the gate making a big enough hole for me to walk through. There were Vampires around me some that joined and some that were forced and want to be freed. They didn't attack me though because they knew that i was their kings brother and i was for him to deal with unless he ordered them to attack me. The ones that were in my way moves and they made a path for me to walk through, about half of his Vampire servants were scared of me because when i looked around i would see eyes that were glowing in fear ( again glowing eyes mean Hungry,scared,happy,sad,or angry). I made my way to the doors of the castle and as i was about to open them i spun around and kicked one of the vampires in the face,he was trying to kill me but my actions are quicker then his, im the ultimate lifeform of course.He flew to the walls that surrounds the castle and glared at me " If you think your gonna get your hands on our queen then forget it our master will kill you Shadow the hedgehog" i just laughed at this remark " Oh really Im the ultimate lifeform and i was born with this power and my brother is nothing but a dark king with a crystal form that is indeed powerful but he only has that one powerful form while i on the other hand have other forms and i have the power to sence energy and power while he cannot do so and Sonic the hedgehog has alot of energy he could possibly even kill my brother on his own. So if you really think that my brother can kill me then, your mistaken" the vampire looked at me speechless, he had nothing to say. I chuckled a little and opened the doors to the castle and walked in hearing the doors close behind me. I closed my eyes and tried to sence Sonics energy, after about 5 seconds i got his energy and followed his energy to lead me to him. I walked down a long hallway and turned at the turns still following his invisible trail of energy that only i can see. The trail lead me into a library with barely any lighting, it wasn't hard for vampires to see but if it was just an ordinary person then it would've been hard to see in here. Sonics energy was leading me down a row of books until i sensed that someone was about to walk down the same row that i was in. A vampire cleaner walked down the row dusting the books and selves and picked up a book and left. When i knew that the close was clear i leaped down quietly from on top of the book selves that were pretty high, my brother did like to read. I began to follow Sonics energy again until it lead me to a rectangular table with a cloth on top of the table that fell to the floor with four chairs around it and with books on top of the table cloth. I walked over and tried to find a switch or something until i decided to look under the table and saw a red button. I didn't press it because it could be a trap. I was about to get out from under the table until i sensed that someone was near. I stayed under the table until i heard footsteps coming to the table. I stayed very still and after a few moments i heard footsteps walking away from the table. I was about to crawl out from under the table but as a started to crawl my knee brushed over the rug and seemed to....lift the rug up. I stoped crawling and looked at my knee and sure enough the rug was lifted. I went fully under the table again and examined the rug where i had lifted it,then it caught my eye. The rug had a small but big enough cut that made a square but was still attached to the rug( so it was kinda like a flap) i opened the flap " Bingo" i whispered as my eyes landed on a keypad with a little screen ( like a calculator and its same size but a square) i looked at the numbers and i realized that by figuring the code it would lead me to Sonic , his trail of energy was stronger right here but it wasn't completely strong it was only a bit stronger meaning that im getting closer to him and that he wasn't going to be right in front of me when i crack this code. I sat there thinking about numbers that could be the code,thensomething came into mind "The books"i whispered and crawled out from under the table and grabbed the same amount of books that were on the table from the selves and placed the fake books at each stop where a real book was to make it look like they were never touched. I took the books that i needed and went back under the table and flipped through the books one at a time. After awhile i looked through all 6 books books and didn't find any numbers in them,i got out from under the table and put the books that i haf taken back on the selves and placed the original books back in place. I leaned on the wall and groaned i could find the code. I looked at the table and just stared at it in thought. I kept thinking until it hit me, my brother was sneaky and smart after all. I couldn'tbe so confident about my idea yet but it might just be the code. I went under the table again and lifted up the flap revealing the keypad,and went to work. "There is one table" 1 "four chairs" 4 "six books" 6 " and one table cloth" 1 . The code had to be 1461.I punched the numbers in the keypad and i heard a slight click and a change of gears and i saw a line down the middle of the floor but was the size of the table and it slowly opened. I moved out of the way so i wouldn't fall in and it was opened completely now. I looked down and saw that there was a small case of stairs leading down but not to far down i could see the floor down there. I poked my head from underthe table to see if anyone was either coming or close and there was no one in sight. I looked down the stairs and walked down them but at first i had to crouch down and walk sideways so i wouldn't hit my head on the table or fall then when the ceiling was higher i stood straight up and walked all the way down to the bottom.

Sorry my little bunnies that i haven't been updating but i had no ideas until magically an idea popped into mind and i decided to use it so yeah i hope you like my story so far and please vote for it and my other chapters to this story if its good so far and i wanna see what you guys think about the story so far and yeah i hope you are enjoying this book so far and trust me the real action is about to start really soon and the new characters are going to be added real soon but im going to have them introduced in the story one by one so its not going to be all together its gonna be by time and place ok LATER MY LITTLE BUNNIES.

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