The impressive code 2

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( Still Shadows POV)

I was at the bottom now and i looked around and it was just one straight tunnel that leads to Sonic. I saw Sonics trail of energy and followed it leading me down the tunnel. There were torches on the walls and i grabbed one just in case if there will be a another tunnel down her and its all dark. I was now at a point of the tunnel when there is lots of tunnels to go through just like in the movies and they don't know which one to take. But it was easier for me since the author loves me and gave me these awesome powers ( Oh Shadow your wel- WAIT YOU CANT MENTION ME IN A BOOK UNLESS I WANT TO BE MENTIONED SHADOW and your welcome for the powers :) and yeah im so sorry my little bunnies but im really weird). I looked at each tunnel and finally found the one that Sonics energy was leading. I went down the tunnel and there was a lot of traps that were set almost every time you turned the corner,i dont know how my brother was even able to get through them with Sonic but that doesn't matter right now. I was getting really closer now his energy was getting stronger with every step that i took foreword. I wasn't paying attention when i almost got my head sliced off. I was just walking through the traps and after i would walk through them it would activate behind me and i kept walking through like a boss, at the last trap there was a small bomb explosion and i walked real slow while it exploded behind me and i but my shades on, Like a Boss. I as at the end of the tunnel and realized, that i went through the wrong tunnel after all ( JK I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO YOU SHADOW but i might do it to Sky. Sky- OH COME ON) i was at the end of the tunnel but his energy kept going straight i looked for a lever or something and i couldn't find anything. I put my hand on the wall and leaned on it and then the brick moved and the wall in front of me opened, i but my shades back on, "Like a Boss" i said and walk forward going into this small tunnel and at the end there was a door and i swear i could hear whimpering. I ran to the end and past all the traps and i was at the door, i pressed my ear against the door and i heard whimpering BINGO. I backed up and then i kicked the door down revealing Sonic being held by my brother.

(Mephiles POV)
Mephiles- Finally you never let me do my own point of view.
Me- You know what Mephiles shut up.
Mephiles- ( holds a ball of magic in his hand and aims it to my head) What was that Alexis.
Me- NOTHING ( runs away)
Mephiles- Thats what i thought.

I was holding my dear Sonic in my arms. I wanted to kill him before but ever since i show his face when i walked into Shadows castle, he was beautiful. I was planning to kill him right as i would walk in but something just changed in me and i felt my heart beat( Sonic- You have a HEART!!!!!!). I cradled my Sonic in my arms and he was desperately trying to get out of my grasp but i held on tight when he tried. I was stronger then him to escape that easily. I petted his head and he flinched by my touch, he really was scared of me after all. Then he got tired of trying to get out of my arms and every once in awhile he would attempt to do so again. I heard him growl at me and i gave a hard but soft smack to the hrad and he just growled more, he didn't know when to stop pushing it did he. I gave him a harder smack and i got a another GROWL from him, HE DIDN'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP. I smacked him really really hard now and i heard him saying ow and he rubbed his head while whimpering from the hit. I rolled my eyes " Maybe if you didn't push the limits then you wouldn't have gotten hit that heard now would you" he just huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Shadow is never gonna going to find you here Sonic i made the code hard enough that even he wouldn't have the knowledge to figure it out so now your mine my little pet" i heard him whimper by this, oh how i love to torture people. I was about to kiss Sonics head again but then the door kicked down by OF COURSE IT WAS FUCKING SHADOW I SHOULD'VE KNOWN THAT HE WAS GOING TO FIGURE OUT THE CODE HE'S MY BROTHER FOR FUCKING SAKES. I growled at my brother " SHADOW" Sonic cheered obviously happy to see his hero coming to save him. I put Sonic down and handcuffed h- the air??? I looked to see that Sonic was behind Shadow and my brother was holding his arms out to protect him. I growled " Sonic if you don't want to get killed then come back here now"
Sonic hid himself more behind Shadow and Shadow snickered at me " If you want him then your gonna have to fight me brother and i did promise that i would kill you so let it be now" i chuckled " Then let the fight begin Shadow" as i was getting ready Shadow hit me in the stomach which made me fall. I looked up to see that Shadow picked up Sonic and ran, i was angry i had been tricked by my own BROTHER I SHOULD'VE KNOWN. I growled and got up i was never going to get them i was to slow( Do you get what i just did there uh uh uh :) ). I used my mind powers and told all my Vampire slaves to get them both but to mostly get the blue hedgehog. I was not going to lose to my brother Shadow the hedgehog.

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