The battle

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(Silvers POV)

I saw Mephiles the Dark standing before us and was about to say something until i interrupted him " What do you want you foul creature of the night " Mephiles just laughed " Oh Silver im here for that blue hedgehog who is with you ,now if you kindly move away from him there will be no problems at all now will there be Sonic" Sonic Growled at Mephiles which made him laugh, everything seems funny to him. Sonic then stood in a battle position and growled more and louder which made the dark on laugh more in enjoyment " oh Sonic of only you knew more about me YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO FIGHT ME" and with that he shot crystals from his hands right at Sonic and th
Were so close to hitting him until i used my powers to stop them and i turned them around and made them fly back to Mephiles and got him in the arm but he had no sign of pain on him and the crystals disappeared in his arm where he was hit " YOU FOOL I can't get hurt by my own powers did you really think i can get hurt that easily" Then Sonic ran up to him REALLY fast and started to fight REALLY fast ( Silver does not know that Sonic was born really fast so he can do things fast but since he is now a vampire he is MUCH FASTER THEN BEFORE) Mephiles was to slow for him so Sonic had a chance to kick him in the face which made him go flying into a wall and three more walls. Mephiles got up and ran to Sonic and punched him in the face but i caught Sonic with my powers and placed him down and picked up Mephiles and made him hit the walls with my powers i kept doing this for a while because it was funny and then i threw him down to the ground with a big bang. Mephiles got up " You have significant powers Silver JOIN ME and we can whatever we want for free I looked down and looked back at him " NEVER " then the fight begun. After awhile of fighting both Sonic and i were to tired to fight any longer and we both fell to the ground.Mephiles laughed ans walked to Sonic and was about to pick him up ( Sonic was passed out from tiredness) until i used my powers and put a protective shield around him so Mephiles couldn't pick him up. " Silver ww can do this the hard way or the easy way" i kept the shield around him and then Mephiles punched me in the head and i let go of the protective shield and it went away i was about to black out when i saw Mephiles taje Sonic and disappeared then i screamed KING SHADOW and with that i passed out.

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