what's wrong with me

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(Sonic's POV)

I woke up with a massive headache. I felt like there was a knife stuck in my head and it hurts so bad.I rubbed the back of my neck and jumped from the pain.I rubbed the side of my neck and yelped in more pain. I took my hand away to see little droplets of blood.I think that i have a bandage on because my neck feels like it and its soaked. I tried them get up but i was lightly pushed down and i saw that it was Silver that made me lay back down. I looked into his eyes " Wheres Shadow i need to talk to him would you please tell him that i need him and that i feel weird" he nodded his head "Yes Sonic just lay down and wait i will go get him for you" i nodded and fully layed down " Ok thank you Silver" he looked back at me " How do you know my name" i chuckled " I heard Shadow say your name the first time i got here" he laughed and left the room.

(Shadow's POV)

I was standing next to the door and i was trying to figure out how to tell Sonic about what i did to him. I need to tell him he is going to find out sooner or later so just say it now and get it over with shadow JUST DO IT YOU LITTLE WHIMP. I was going to do it i held the door handle and took a deep breath and walked in the room.

(Sonic's POV)

I saw Shadow walk in and had a worried look on his face and i started to worry. He walked over and sat next to me on the bed with his back facing me and his hands on his face for a few seconds and then looked at me " How are you feeling Sonic" i shook my head " I feel awful Shadow whats wrong with me" he looked down and took a deep breath and asked ne to open my mouth for some reason " why do i ha-" "Just open your mouth for me Sonic" i opened my mouth for him and looked really worried now. " Sonic i need to tell you something" i nodded my head " ok you can tell me anything im all ears" i looked at me and looked scared " You now when Mephiles bit you and you where about to die well i saved you by doing something horrible" i looked at him confused "what did you do to me what do you mean" he looked down again " well when you died i bit you and took all the bad venom that my brother put in your blood stream and put a different venom in you to save you and i turned uou into a- into a " i looked at him confused and scared "A what " he had tears in his eyes " I TURNED YOU INTO A VAMPIRE".

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